Bump Dot Net For the People

Iconfactory and E3

There is something big about to happen at the Iconfactory .(I ran into these guys at E3)

My favorite Macintosh interface hack is taking it to the next level today. You can download it direct for Kaleidoscope.net .

I went to E3 today. I left feeling that a lot of game developers don't get the Internet at all.

Some points of interest:

  • I got to see Soulblighter (Myth II) from Bungie and it looks great. I got the impression that we will see it sooner than we think.
  • I went to an Apple Computer session after the show ended for the day. They are really putting some effort into wooing game developers. I was really surprised at the amount of people who attended and their reactions.
  • Nintendo has some really cute merchandising products coming down the pike. At the show they were shooting these tiny stuffed animals out of a cannon device. I wasted some valuable time playing their Kobe Bryant basketball game.
  • SegaSoft has a really interesting Internet gaming solution going. I will try to attend their party tommorrow night to get a better look. More details will follow.
  • I got to talk to two famous Douglas' whose writing has changed my life. (Copeland and Adams)
  • MacSoft is releasing both Unreal and Total Annihilation for the Macintosh

I wasn't impressed with the level of net integration I saw. It looks like the console developers have given up for the time being. I will be attending the show again on Saturday, and I will report in more detail tommorrow and then.

My feet hurt