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Web Standards Project

I literally just finished a large labor intensive special event Web project for work. My brain is mushy.

The Beastie Boys are playing here in Atlanta tonight.

As you may have noticed, I have removed the Netscape Now! banner and replaced it with one for the Web Standards Project This is a topic close to my heart. We need the browser/parser vendors to get together and standardize. I am tired of writing Web stuff that only works on some browsers or some platforms. Both of the major vendors are responsible for the mess, and this is not really about market share. I have joined the Web Standards Project, and plan on being an active member.

Mark McGuire broke the NL Home Run record last night. So exciting. I haven't been so excited about baseball since my youth. He only needs to hit 4 more Home Runs in 24 games to pass Roger Maris' record.

I am cutting back my involvement at MacCentral . While I will remain a staff member on this excellent news site, and I will also continue to write articles, I need more time to spend on learning new technology and reading. Plus this site needs a redesign badly.

I'm still putting together a plan for the sales of the Frontier Shirts.