Bump Dot Net For the People

Emailer Dead

Dreamweaver now has its own Frontier suite as a hook into Frontier authoring. This is getting more exciting by the day.

Iconfactory has some limited edition Batman icons that will only be up for a couple of days.

Mark McGuire needs three home runs in 23 games.

A news item on today's Macintouch talks about the fact that Emailer, my email client of choice, is dead. It goes on to say that Emailer is not fully compatible with the soon to be released Mac OS 8.5 . I'm really pissed about this. I have 3 years worth of email in Emailer.

On a similar note, Bare Bones released the 1.1 patch for Mailsmith , another email client. It makes it faster, and adds some great features, but I still like the previously mentioned Emailer better.

This type of behavior is too typical of software companies these days. I live in a constant state of concern that I am investing time and money in software products that are doomed.