Bump Dot Net For the People

DIVX Disks and Fire Ants

Over the last week, the folks behind DIVX, a technology that isn't a good deal for the consumer at all, have been making a major advertising push. We at the Bump Interactive Corporate suite have a real issue with this technology, and with another person of like mind, have registered divxsucks.com. It currently resolves to the Bump domain, and will become a distinct area here until we move it to its own server. I'm looking for a graphic artist who might want to give me some time to create some anti-DIVX graphics.

I expect that we will be gathering the facts and making our case here, then promoting the hell out of the site. Perhaps if enough of the informed consumers cry foul, we can make a dent in their attempt to take advantage of us. Don't believe the hype!!!

I'll be leaving for New York tommorrow and won't be updating for a few days. I'm looking forward to the time with my family, and I hope to continue to build on the foundation of reconciliation we have been working on.

I ordered a new Gateway laptop last night named the Fire Ant . The thing should scream. According to Computers.com, it's the fastest laptop they've ever tested . It's also small. Unfortunately, I have to wait until November for it to arrive.

My PalmPilot adventures continue. I am beginning to see why people find these things so useful. Because of issues with synching on the Macintosh, I ended up using my Windows NT Workstation at work as my main desktop base. The Windows software is really easy to use, and it actually works. Shame on them for not being more compatible with the Macintosh market. I've found PalmPilot: The Ultimate Guide from O'Reilly invaluable in my learning.

An article on Internet based pirate radio that I wrote appears in this month's Swing Generation magazine. I found my copy in a Barnes and Noble here in Atlanta. They don't seem to have a Web presence. I'm also bantering some ideas around to see if I want to explore a book authoring opportunity that has been presented to me.

Shore-Varrone, Inc., the company I work for, was acquired by Bill Communications , a large trade publishing company this week. We'll see how things turn out in the next few months, but everyone who would know about this seems to be very happy about it.