Bump Dot Net For the People

End of the Year

Closing in on the end of another year. I am mentally reviewing 1998, and I don't think it will be a terribly memorable year ten years from now for me. The Web continues to grow like a weed, and I am along for some of that ride.

It's not necessarily a bad thing.

Lots of excitement here at Bump over our recent purchase of a copy of RealBasic from Real Software. For 90% of the desktop level programming tasks I have in mind, this tool fits my needs perfectly. Of course, I'm only one day and 50 pages worth of tutorial into it, but it really makes building things that actually run very simple compared to a C, Java, or C++ environment.

In checking out the Company's support site, I discovered that there are a lot of resources available on the Web to help the newbie learning RealBasic. I'll be putting up a page on this site over the weekend listing these resources and my personal experiences with learning this environment.

I'm coding a Styled text editor with the intention of building a tool that stores it's files in an XML'd format. It will be open source when I am done.

Still enjoying my Christmas gifts. I got a 12 Mb Voodoo2 Card that I plan on installing over the long weekend. Should make my Myth II experiences even better. Bungie is resetting the Myth II leader board tonight, so I got some additional practice at the new games(Stampede, Hunting, Assasin) last night.

Lastly, I hope to launch the new site for my brother's band, Die Laughing, this weekend. I have been working on it over the last couple of weeks in my spare time. Just a couple more images and some Javascript work and we'll have soup.