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I love having distinctive desktop pictures(wallpaper) and I change the backgrounds on both my Windows and Macintosh machines on a regular basis. Desktopia is a Web site(with an iMac-esque interface) that warehouses all sorts of interesting pictures for this purpose.

Regardless of what happens with my work environment(as you can tell, it dominates my mental landscape these days), this process has re-awakened some of the thinker in me that has been lulled to sleep over the last year.

In the meantime, there is a lot going on Web-wise. Plenty to read, and many technologies to become a student of.

Jakob Neilson's most recent Alertbox, Differences Between Print Design and Web Design is a must read. Especially for those of us living in a print-centric industry.

As devoted to the Web as I am, I'm still a magazine junky. My current favorite is Fast Company . Real world material that applies to me everyday. They do the best job, of any magazine I've ever been a devotee of, of developing a community. It's almost as if they have applied the Web concept of community to their print publishing efforts, and it has worked.

I'm listening to some Beck and doing the baseline work for some pages I'm doing for a friend's wedding. What we came up with in the hour or so we have worked on it so far is here . I imagine we will improve it quite a bit going forward.

Radiohead's Web site is something different.

The has been a lot of community conflict(an ongoing thing) between Script Meridian and Userland Software . I have to say that it amazes me how difficult it is for people in any community, Web based or not, to get along without these sorts of dramatics. Egos get in the way mostly. People with different visions and competing egos are at the root of this. I just want to use software and make interesting things.

I found an eMate cheap, so I ordered it. It could become a good writing tool.

Well, I have to go look for a box to ship a Bebox in, expect more this week than in the last few as I am thinking and writing.

You'll find that I moved the December content to its archive page, updated the links page and the information page, and started working on more content.