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feast or updates

The feast and famine updating motif continues. I've been doing a lot of reading and working some substantial hours during the week. Not an excuse though.

I love my new Palm V

It doesn't have a lot more memory than the Palm Professional I had before, but it is faster. The screen is also quite a bit better, and the feel of the buttons is much improved. The biggest difference is the size of the device. Where it was once too large to slip into my pocket, it now is almost unnoticeable. I picked up the aluminum case for it, and it reminds my of a cigarette case. I'm still waiting on the modem so I will write more once that has arrived. It also worth mentioning that it is much better looking too.

The new MacPac connectivity software is solid.(I've been using the beta version for a couple of months so it wasn't a surprise. The new software that sync's with Outlook 98 on my Gateway works really well. All in all, it seems like my impulse decision was a decent one. Two things are nagging at me though: 1)It's not expandable 2)The integrated battery make sme nervous that I will find myself without power or a place to charge up. In honor of this new purchase, I have added a Palm Resources section to the links page.

Most of my focus over the last two weeks has been down three paths. Broadband Internet access and the changes we can expect from it. Network appliances and the dissapearance of the general purpose computer in non-technical homes. Security and privacy.

Feed Magazine has a story name Getting What You Pay For that talks about the Free PC movement in detail. I guess I understand the underlying economics, but I don't understand why anyone would build a whole business model around this concept. As an ancillary information gathering arm of a larger company, it might make sense.

CNN has a story on How to make your fortune on the Web Interesting statistic in the last paragraph. There must be a ton of bad business ideas proposed to venture capitalists.

The next issue of Wired magazine came today. My personal opinion is that this magazine has declined greatly over the last two years.

Web Review's current feature is Running Open Source Software They cover GIMP, Apache and Zope. Free is definitely a good way to go with software these days.

In the non-Free software department, I have picked up a copy of Headline Studio from Metacreations. A really comprehensive solution for all of your banner creation needs. I expect to be writing a review of it for MacNow magazine .

Finally, my Erricson cellular phone passed away this week after a year of loyal service, abuse, and being dropped about a hundred times.

Here's a site with Sim City Icons for Atlanta. Now you can enjoy building(and destroying) the city I live in with the game.

I've been listening to the Pixies a lot this week. It reminds me of home.