Bump Dot Net For the People


I am now going through serious decompression after my sleigh ride through the valley of ultimate work.

I meant to get to Bump yesterday, but I had over 1500 email messages to read and plenty of work that had backed up on me in my absence. I find that these really tough times at work stimulate my thinking process, and I develop some of my best ideas during them. I'm proceeding now at an even clip and intend on taking at least one day off later this week to relax a little.

Bump is now a channel at My.Userland.Com. This is a great place to create a news page that catalogs all of the available channels. Dave Winer has opened things up by not binding folks with a restrictive legal agreement. I'm just happy that Bump is now syndicated in two places that make it a convenient stop for everyone.

I am still attending the ThunderLizard Web Design 99 Conference and would love to meet anyone out there who is attending and reads Bump.

A friend pointed out StatMarket to me.(Thanks Dee) Really good browser information to refer to when building sites.

I am getting a Web Certification at No Wonder . To get your certification you have to answer 100 questions from people searching for technical support over a three month time period. You are reviewed based on your answers.

That's all I have time for now. I'll let the flood gates open over the next two days as I catch up on my browsing and reading.