Bump Dot Net For the People

Web Design 99 Conference

I've been attending the Web Design 99 conference over the last two days. Some great stuff, and I find myself wishing that I had more time to dedicate to a single site rather than having to split my time and effort across so many markets. It's tough to keep everything straight and to keep up with everything.

I've gotten to see some really dynamic speakers, and to see people like Jakob Nielson, whose work I have followed quite diligently over the Web, speak first hand. His talk was excellent, and drove home and validated the way I feel about site design. I'll definitely be working on the two projects that I am doing personally slightly differently as a result.

I also got a chance to go to lunch with a group of Frontier users who were attending the conference. I really enjoyed this "session" quite a bit, and it was nice to put faces with some names.

In the meantime, with the fade out from my death march at work combined with my attendance at this conference have conspired against regular Bump updates. I promise that this isn't a trend that will continue, and with the projects that I have planned for the next two months, I'm sure to have an active mind and site in the coming months.

So that's it for now, I hope to get things straight here in short order. A careful study of this site's usage statistics shows that nearly everyone is running a 4.0 browser, and I think I am going to start implementing some more complex things here to speed up load times and provide better navigation. Any feedback you might have would be very helpful to me.