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Monday Links

XMLTree has a list of sites that are maintaining an XMLed version.

I watched American History X on DVD last night. It's a tough movie that made me do a lot of thinking. There are some really brutal scenes, but I still recommend it. Racism really bothers me. The site is pretty good, but you have to go a few layers deep to get to the content.

There is some really solid information and some great pointers at the CSS Pointers Group .

This Red Herring article talks about the deal between Microsoft and Audible. This will allow Microsoft to incorporate the Audible software engine into it's Windows CE devices, making them portable book players. There is a part of me that loves this idea, but I still don't buy the Windows CE platform. Sure it has a larger feature set than the Palm, but do I need a larger feature set? Still, I think that if something like this doesn't hurt battery life, why not?

The New York Times has a piece titled Record Companies Wary of New Microsoft Technology . They are right to be wary.

Macromedia updated Dreamweaver to 2.01.

I spent a lot of time yesterday rebuilding my home network from scratch to accomodate some of the new hardware I've picked up recently. I now have a home setup that is really convenient. I'm using one of Belkin's Omniview boxes to hook three computers(Windows, Be, Mac) up to a single keyboard and monitor. It saves me a ton of desk space, and allows me to experiment more. Now if I only had fast Internet access.