Bump Dot Net For the People

Apple vs. Apple

Apple Computer has lost a $26.4 million suit in which Apple Corps., the Beatles company, was suing them for the use of the Apple name. Apparently, Apple Computer agreed to not enter the music business as a part of an earlier agreement, and they have somehow violated that agreement. ouch.

Creative Labs has entered the protable MP3 player market with their NOMAD line of players. They have one-upped Diamond's RIO players by adding both voice recording and an FM tuner. They don't list Windows NT or Macintosh compatibility though.

I'm using Inspiration to diagram the two personal Web projects I'm working on today. It's really convenient, and cross platform software for this purpose. It also exports the charts in HTML, GIF or PICT format for easy communication with clients.

I'm currently reading Information Rules by Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian. It's a really good book diagraming the economic concepts behind the network economy. Expect a review in the book section this week.

After giving it some thought, I've decided to go with the Amazon.com affiliate program with book links here. I had signed up for the Borders affiliate program as well, but it seems that the Amazon program is easier to use. I'm not looking to turn Bump into any sort of money making venture, but some free computer books now and then for the effort doesn't seem like a bad thing to me.