Bump Dot Net For the People

I'm Back

Okay you can call off the search party. I'm here, I'm back.

I'm fine, and my computers were not eaten by Mac OS X Server or anything.

I spent Memorial Day weekend(or Memorius Day weekend according to my brothers dry cleaner.) at my parent's home in Connecticut. I went to the CD release party for my brother's band, attended my youngest brother's graduation from high school(congrats Dave), and hung out by the pool with my family.

Boy did I need the time off. Prior to that, I accidentally formatted a drive full of documents.(always always always backup) I learned that things like installing a second operating system should not be done on two hours sleep and that Direct X is not my friend. I have been working some crazy hours as we are moving our company to a new location at the end of this month and the network admin left three weeks ago.

Expect more regular updates for the rest of the summer.

The Beastie Boys are releasing songs online to benefit the victims in Kosovo.

Since I've been gone, the Palm VII has been released, and Sony has released their robotic puppy .

Have I mentioned that I really enjoy NeoPlanet ?