Bump Dot Net For the People

Turn of the Century

I finished Kurt Anderson's Turn of the Century this week. It's really the best book dealing with convergence culture on a fictional level that I've run into yet. It's amazingly up to date as far as trends in the Internet business go. I would definitely recommend it. While it's not the same type of book, it gave me the same kind of feeling I got the first time I read MicroSerfs (Which was one of my favorite books ever.) The characters in this book are strong at times, but generally the main character is sort of a dork.

If you are looking for the Austin Powers font, there is a reasonable facsimile here (it's name is Action Is)

Starbucks has a magazine. First thing I noticed about it(which you can't see on the Web.) was that they had a product placement for one of their advertisers, Nokia, on their cover. This is somewhat shady. The project is a collaboration between Starbucks and Time. I'm still waiting to see what Starbucks big Internet business plan is.

NoteTab Pro seems like a really well designed text editor for Win32. I feel like a BBEdit orphan when I edit my pages from my PC's despite some really capable tools. I've been kicking the tires on this one and it seems like it might be the best one I've tried yet on Windows.

Seems like my experiment is working.(see yesterday's entry) I like taking the extra time to compose and think about what I am going to post here. It also seems to make me want to be more regular about updating since I can do the writing in bursts when I discover something I want to write about.

I updated the Links page with additional content and changed the layout so that I scroll less. It still looks better on a Mac than a PC, but I can work that out as the week unfolds.