Bump Dot Net For the People

Text Size Redux

My last ditch effort at keeping everyone happy with the size of the text: No text formatting at all.(Keep it Simple Stupid) Send any complaints to the usual place.

Herman Miller's got some DHTML going on over at Jugglezine Still their frame implementation leaves something to be desired in my eyes.

I know this one has already made the NYT and that everyone else on the Weblog circuit has already stepped in and spoken up, but I have to talk a bit about lemonyellow . Quite smart and very dense, but it brings out the best in me.

Another young Weblog: MetaScene

I've got my designer's hat on today. I'm finishing the redesign of one of the dreadful sites I inherited when I took my current job. I'm still pounding away at it so I'll have to make today's post brief.

The PowerPage reports on an NTSC video out solution for the iBook.

Going against normal Bump policy, I cribbed this link from CamWorld . I thought Blair Witch was scary, so I guess I understand why they wouldn't want to show it . I especially like the nice Christian woman who calls the movie "gory." Clearly, she hasn't seen the movie(yet).

John Dvorak calls the masculinity of any man using an iBook into question . I'm sure he'd find that set of comments real funny while I was kicking his ass. :-)

I got my first piece of Bump hate mail over the weekend. I guess that must mean I am writing something worthwhile here. Well I gotta go push some text around...peace.