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The Blair Witch Project is proving that Internet marketing works. Of course, it helps to have a strong product.

Another early Weblog: www.gulker.com . He maintained an early list of what he then called News Pages because of our use of Frontier's NewsPage suite . You can find that list on this page .

One iMac and a microphone

From the sounds too much like Lentil department

Rebecca's Pocket has it going on. I love the first column where she lists what she's up to, reading, listening to, etc... The work section of her site reveals some interesting online development and design nuggets I had heretofore missed.

have browser, will travel ponders the explosion of Weblogs. I tend to think there is nothing wrong with linking to other Weblogs one finds amusing, interesting, and well written.

News.com reports that Microsoft is holding features back from its partner's version of Internet Explorer.

A New York Times story (registration required) that talks about Weblogs, but calls them Online Digests. It mentions Scripting NewsDavenetics(which is a mailing list), and Obscure Store.

After a long effort, Dave Winer gets Symantec's permission to release some of his early software. I haven't ever seen MORE or ThinkTank. My only frame of reference is what he's been doing over the last few years with Frontier That's cool.

It always feels strange to roll the month of postings here over the the archives section. I look at the number of months I have archived now, and I realize that I couldn't have imagined doing this site for as long as I have now.

Damn, CamWorld's been redesigned . It loads faster, and I like the look and feel of the new page better. It lacks some of the zest the other page had color-wise. Overall, I like it.