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Wednesday Updates

Instructions on how to make a Hello Kitty laptop

Here's a picture of the new Hot Wheels and Barbie computers from Mattel. I think the Hot Wheels one is bad ass.

Apparently, the world's population is expected to reach the 6 billion mark on October 12th. Here's a site celebrating that fact?

iTime is a system extension that adds an Internet Time or Metric Time clock in your Macintosh menu bar next to the traditional Macintosh clock.

I'm attending the Jupiter Online Advertising Forum in New York from August 17-19. Interesting group of people speaking.

I attended the monthly meeting of The Association of Internet Professionals here in Atlanta. There were presenters from Andromedia and Broadvision . Andromedia's products allow for detailed tracking of user activity and data drilldown and analyzation of the resulting information. Really complex stuff. Broadvision has an end to end software product that acts as a personalization engine and content management system. Wish we could afford either, but their solutions are priced for the Hewlett Packards and Home Depots of the world. I like Andromedia's site design much better than Broadvision's. More attractive and professional looking.

I'm listening to Jack from saturn.org's Internet Mixed Tape . It's got some interesting music. Most interesting to me is that I haven't heard most of it before.(I love the Faith No More song he included.)

My Netscape seems to have some channel updating issues. Scripting News and CamWorld channels aren't updating. (Maybe Dave and Cam have decided not to do this syndication anymore.)