Bump Dot Net For the People


Kill HTML before it kills us I didn't realize this was an either or sort of choice. I've always been of the "best tool for each job" mindset.

I went home for a few days, which explains the lack of updates. It was great to spend time with my family. It always recharges my batteries.

While I was traveling, I finished Po Bronson's Nudist on the Late Shift. I thought it was well written and extremely interesting. If you have any interest in dot com businesses or what goes on behind the scenes with Internet business in Silicon Valley, this book is for you. I found the section about HotMail to be the most interesting and inspiring to me. Next up: Seth Godin's Permission Marketing.

Linkwatcher got a design upgrade recently. I check the recently updated Weblog list every day now.

Jason at 0sil8 made a neato Web font named Silkscreen.