Bump Dot Net For the People

Thrashers Opening Night

Things haven't slowed down here at all. I've started making the transition between jobs, working on closing up shop and getting integrated with the new company. Two very different cultures, and it's going to be an interesting two weeks as I make this transition.

I went to the Opening Night Thrashers game tonight. Very exciting to be part of the start of this new franchise. The Thrashers lost to the New Jersey Devils 4-1, but they played well. Here's the ESPN recap . I expect them to win a few games this season because they play in the weakest division in the NHL. I still haven't gotten my pictures from the games developed yet. Tonight they gave out this neat leather ticket holder with a clear plastic cover to preserve your opening game ticket. I have tickets for their next home game against the Detroit Red Wings.

Even better, I'm updating Bump with my new iBook . The second one arrived on Wednesday as promised. I'm quite pleased with Apple's response to my immediate issues. It's a pleasure to use, the keyboard has a nice tactile feel to it and the display is bright. The screen isn't as small feeling as I thought it would be. I had forgotten how much easier to use Apple's laptops are in multiple locations than Windows 9x laptops are. The Location Manager makes transitions between work and home much easier for me than on my Gateway. The iBook is a little heavier than I thought it would be, and the speaker is weak, but these are the only two complaints I have so far. It's faster than I thought it would be, and the battery life seems to be close to five hours(although Apple advertises 6 hours). I've installed about half of the software I use on it, and I have about 2 Gb of hard drive space left. I wish they had gone with a 6 Gb hard drive. Overall, I think it's a good consumer laptop or limited use machine for a power user. I plan on using it until the G4 laptops are released.

SQL and the Macintosh has a great overview of working with SQL on the Mac platform.

Iconfactory has redesigned their site. I like the new design much better than the previous black background version. They've also added a section of current events links that are useful.

Despite the fact that the site is almost maddening to use, Mikworks has some fantastic icons available for Windows and Mac OS.

I've been listening to Fu Manchu every day. It's fantastic, Black Sabbath influenced, music that is perfect for driving in Atlanta traffic. They are about to come out with a new release, and will be touring the US in February after they have finished their European tour.

I plan on returning to normal updates this week. I've been through an enormous emotional upheavel through this work decision, but I think I'm finally adjusted to the idea.