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It appears from the light rebuttal/clarification in today's Hear Ye! that I misunderstood/overreacted to what was written. It's worth mentioning that I do like the site, and I went back and read several months of the archives. We actually seem to have a lot in common interest wise.(With the exception of the platform thing of course.) I have been taking myself a bit too seriously recently. Well, it happens, and a wake up call isn't a bad thing. As a result, I'm endeavoring to check out more pages in the Everything/Nothing set this weekend. Aside from the name difference from the "Weblog" group, there doesn't seem to be that huge a difference in the type of sites that populate the community.

It's funny though, because he actually wrote about much the same topic in relation to Linux zealots on March 7th. It's the same attitude that he is talking about and that he is frustrated by. Even if he didn't have that attitude in his original post, there's no shortage of it on the Net.

Rafe over at RC3.org mailed me about an essay he wrote in 1997 that's relevant to my mini-essay. I remember this time for Apple quite well. The company was at a point where it could have gone either way. For people who are primarily Mac Users, it was a dark time. It's a good explanation of why he feels the way about the tools he chooses to use. "I want to use the tools I love." I read Rafe's site every day. He finds good technology stories and tidbits on the Web, and he talks from a knowledgable and opinionated standpoint.(Windows lovers tread gently, He doesn't care too much for Microsoft.)

Anyone who regularly reads Jesse Berst's columns will be shocked by this one. Think Different? Why Jesse Wants an iMac . I think this is just an attempt to get more people to read his column by being controversial. Here's some news for you Jesse: Macs crash about as often as Windows machines. Maybe not for everyone, but people who really push their machines will have problems no matter what they are using. The bottom line is that there isn't the attention to quality that there needs to be in the software industry. As a side note, my new iBook has only crashed twice in the week I have had it. Both times, I was using beta software that caused the problem.(Mozilla M9)

This CNN article has the phrase "'They're just luscious,' Jobs purrs." in it. What kind of writing is that? He purred? I somehow doubt he actually purred. Later in the article, he also "gushes."

While I'm in a critical mood, here's a pet peeve. Why do people who put their press release online on their own site leave the phrase at the bottom that says "For more information see (insert link to site you are already on here)?" Here's an example . To me it says "our publicity firm doesn't get the Web."

One really cool thing about my new employer is that they have agreed to let me put a Web server for my personal use on their network. I still have to decide what platform I want to use. It's a tough decision.

Today's soundtrack: The Fight Club Soundtrack (Dust Brothers)