Bump Dot Net For the People


I think the last three weeks constitue the longest gap in Bump's almost two year history.(I will hit two years on November 7th.)

Some good reasons for the gap. I switched jobs, and I now work at Arthouse . It's a great, young company. I work with, among a really talented group of people, Jack over at Saturn. My next reason was a trip out of the country. I visited St. Martin for ten days just after Hurricane Jose blessed it's shores with 24 inches of rain. Even though it wasn't the perfect vacation I had planned, it was good to disconnect myself for a time. I'm now slowly returning myself to my normal schedule, surfing and posting.

Dave seems to be posting more content to Scripting News on a daily basis than he has as long as I can remember. It's an indication that there is a lot going on in the Weblog community and in Frontier development. I welcome it, but it's taking me forever to get through all the days I missed while I was away.

Sony launched Trivial Pursuit on the Web this week. I used to love playing the board version. Too bad I don't have enough free time right now to explore the Web version more.

On October 5th, DMOZ.org passed the million site mark.

The Beastie Boys are releasing an anthology named The Sounds of Science on November 23rd. You can also build your own two disk anthology and choose from 150 songs at this site . Ever notice that they don't ever sell their music for television commercials?

I read the newest issue of Discover Magazine on the plane on the way back to the U.S. The cover story was a terribly scary story about Mt. Ranier's inevitable eruption and the destruction in the greater Seattle area that would follow it. I didn't know there were magazines still so afraid they didn't post their whole stories to their Web site, but Discover doesn't. Here's a link to the one paragraph they do have up.