Bump Dot Net For the People

First Airport Update

Here's a milestone. This is my first update to Bump via the wireless access via my Airport card and Base with my iBook. It's nice to be cable free!! I set the whole thing up in less than 10 minutes. It's as fast as any of my Ethernet connected computers or even faster.

Userland's Weblog Monitor is pretty useful, but I don't see any advantage to it over Linkwatcher's similar feature. Of course, I wouldn't mind syndicating either here on Bump. I'm searching for some new features.(Of course, if I updated once in a while that might be a good start towards having some content up here:-)

I bought a new Windows machine for my house. It's a 600 Mhz Hewlett Packard. I wanted to have a desktop to experiment with and do Windows specific development on. My office is getting crowded. In an unrelated story, I hit a high curb while rounding a corner in a parking garage and put a huge gash in the runner underneath the right door of my New Beetle. The kicker: the parts cost only $57, but the labor to install them will be $588. Is it just me, or does that seem to be a bit unreasonable?

This might be the ticket to a more comfortable workspace. (Warning High Bandwidth Flash)

Speaking of High Bandwidth and Flash, check out Pixelon. Their full screen video is the highest quality streaming video I have ever seen. (Registration Required/Windows 95/98/NT only)