Bump Dot Net For the People

Hitting Stride

A Day Without Weblogs may have come and gone, but what is important is that you remember what it was about in the first place.

Userland Software started marketing Manila yesterday. They have a nice pull quote from me listed on their release announcement site . It's strange to see my name associated with the others quoted. My manila server is moving along, and I added two new sites today. I am finding all sorts of ways to use the software that I wouldn't have thought of just knowing what the feature set was going to be. It's changing the way I write a little because it's so easy to update. When I find something, I don't hold back, I write it into the site then. Before I would hold things until one moment of the day and then update. It's a good change.

After almost two months, I finally feel like I'm hitting my stride at my new job. It feels great. It's a lot more compressed than any of my previous jobs, and it feels good to be squished.