Bump Dot Net For the People

Messing Around

Well, I've let this site slip again. I've been cleaning up the remains of a long running project at work, and playing with Manila, the BeOS, Red Hat 6.1, and Yellow Dog Linux. I miss being able to spend a lot of time playing around with technology. This site will be back in full force starting today.

I've also put a little time in with Blogger, and have two redesigns of this site to choose from now. I built one in Manila and another with Blogger. They are really similar in some ways, but way apart in others. I have the apartment to myself this weekend with Kate out of town, so I'll try to clean them up and point to them for your feedback.

One of the surfers who is a long time source of material for this site solved my shoe buying issue by pointing me to MO . They've got all the Simple shoes I could ever want.

This site has a bunch of tech support phone calls. You may have heard some before.

This excellent editorial piece explains why the current standard set of thinking about Web business models as either Business to Business or Business to Consumer is to simplistic. I think most forward thinking Web strategists have realized for a while that this hybrid approach is where things are going.

What this site lacks in usability it makes up in having links to hundreds of Web Development resources. I'm going to need a few hours to take it all in.