Bump Dot Net For the People

Robot Wisdom

It turns out that Jorn is having ISP problems. In the meantime, you can reach Robot Wisdom at [](

Something that might interest people who want to link to a particular post on this site:

There is an anchor in each day's post with the date in six digit format(so today would be http://bumps.wpengine.com/index.html#012600). I put them there for my own use, but realized that, when Jorn linked to me last week, he had no way of going right to that particular day's entry because I hadn't posted this. They don't go back all the way to November 1997 because I haven't had the time to insert them all yet.

I have an Apple eMate 300 that I have used very little. I'm interested in trading it for a Newton 2100. If you know anyone who might be interested in negotiating a deal, please contact me.