Bump Dot Net For the People


If you are going to South by SouthWest Interactive and want to get together, email me. I'll be there from Thursday to Thursday.

I just read Geeks by Jon Katz. It's one of those rare books that I started reading when I went to get a cup of coffee at my local coffee type establishment and kept reading and reading and reading until it was an hour and a half later and I had finished the book. If you are even remotely a geek, you should read this book. If you aren't a geek, and want to even remotely understand geeks, you should read this book. I'm sure I'll be reading it again. One thing that I thought of when I sat down to type this up is the fact that a great opportunity was missed. Katz could have chosen to couple an Internet site with the book where geeks could meet and discuss what being a geek is all about. I know we have Slashdot and other places, but the emotions evoked by this book are powerful enough to stimulate a powerful discussion and there should be a place to conduct it. I identified with this book in some really deep rooted ways. I might add more to this later.

This thing thinks I'm Frohike from The X-Files.(via kottke.org)