Bump Dot Net For the People

Drop Drawers

Webgroove looks like something worth looking into.

If you go to this page, choose the "SiteBrain" button to the right and navigate for a few moments, you get to see an interesting concept in mapping site spaces created with The Brain. It's been almost a year since I last experimented with it, and this was a nice reminder to check it out again.

I'm not sure how I missed it, but Jargonscout has added "Moved to Atlanta" since my last visit. It's funny because this topic has been the subject of several jokes here in the 404 area code.

For my Mac user Readers: I've been using Drop Drawers for the last few days on my iBook, and I'm hooked. It installs drawers that dock on the side top or bottom of your screen. Inside the drawers you can keep almost anything: alaises to frequently used programs, links to Internet sites, email addresses, notes, images. Where screen real estate is at a premium, this is a great alternative to dock programs.

We got the new women's cable channel, Oxygen, a couple of weeks ago. They have an Internet shopping show named Shecommerce that Kate has been watching this morning. It's supposed to cover online shopping, but out of the four women that they have hosting the show, not one strikes me as Internet savvy. "Is this a secure site?" the one woman asked. You don't know how to tell if a site is secure or not? Perhaps you shouldn't be hosting a show about online shopping. With all of the gifted and talented women working the Internet, it seems like they must have hired someone's friends.