It’s always the little things.
I am officially addicted to We’ve had for a few weeks here in Atlanta, and I find myself using it both at the office and at home. If you are careful about what you order, the prices are very reasonable considering they are bringing you the items.
I should point out that their site doesn't really do a good job of communicating the service to potential customers.
Long time readers of this site know that I am a sucker for interface elements, icons, and wallpaper. The newest set of 32 bit Macintosh icons from Blue Heart Sky(That’s set number seven.) is nothing short of fantastic.
I’ve been using Alphanumeric’s Sullivan skin running on my copy of Mozilla M14 today. I’d previously been using IE 5.0 as the main browser on my Macintosh. It really bums me out that some of my favorite sites don’t work properly through the rendering engine in these new browsers. Not only that, but they break things in completely different ways. The end result is that people who build Front End interfaces for sites have to do that much more work to create the same experience for everyone coming to the site. Mozilla shows, by far in my opinion, the most promise of any of the currently available browsers. Question though, where is the windows menu, or any menu driven way to change which window is active?
Tuesdays with Morrie is an amazing book about the final year in the life of a Brandeis professor who contracted Lou Gerhig’s Disease. My mother sent me the book last week, and I read it in one sitting on Saturday sitting in a coffee shop. It’s a good read, and no matter who you are you will take something valuable away from it. I think it’s a book I will probably return to again and again over the course of my life because it breeds perspective. (Thanks so much for everything Mom.)
They say that Spring is the time of changes. Well, they don’t kid around very much I guess. I returned home from SXSW full of inspiration, and I had no idea how much I had let my life and myself get off of the track I meant for it to be on. I had somehow lost track of who I wanted to be. The wakeup call that it took to get me to realize this was the most bitter pill I have ever swallowed. My girlfriend of almost six years left me. I’m heartbroken, because I’m still very much in love with her.
My life is about to change in some major ways. My priorities are much clearer to me than they were only a few weeks ago, and I recognize that there is much work to do if I'm ever going to be the person I truly want to become. If you are reading this, ask yourself if you are an active participant in your life. Ask yourself if you are telling those around you how you feel about them. Ask yourself what you could do to make things better in your relationships. I sure wish I had been asking myself those questions a few weeks ago.
I apologize for this, but I will be taking some time off from this site for at least the next few days and maybe longer. Things have happened this week in my life that I cannot log about, but they have sapped me of my strength to express myself here. Please think positive thoughts for me.
Internet Explorer 5.02 for the Macintosh is due to be released Monday, but you can find a link to it on this page right now. [via Scripting News]
I've been using the betas for a couple of months and I like it quite a bit in comparison to any of the existing browsers on the Mac platform.
I tried out Userland’s new Pike product this afternoon. The idea of a desktop application that updates my Web site is less attractive to me than doing it through a Web browser. Regardless, I couldn’t get the app to work properly with my Manila server. Having said that, it is beta software, and I’m sure that it will be interesting when I do get it working.
I think I could spend about a month just working on my personal projects and all of the books I want to read right now and still not be completely satisfied. I’m working on the site right now, and by the end of the weekend I hope to have the archive situation figured out, the search engine situation figured out, and the picture and site of the week pages created and updated.
My office is really really cluttered and messy.
Silverscreen is a theme manager for Palm OS 3 or higher.
This Industry Standard metrics report includes recent statistics on a number of things that Web developers need to know about their audience and the general Web audience.
Brad points me to this press release which proves that is indeed an April Fools joke.
I went out to lunch with Doug today and he told me about I still think it might be an elaborate April Fool’s joke, but imagine how many people will opt for a free car if they can. The example car that is pictured in this Esquire Magazine article is branded with Stay Free Maxi Pad advertising.
Can you just imagine talking to a friend you were picking up for the first time? "I'll be in a Stay Free Maxi Pad mini-van that says 'Heavy Flow' on the hood." Methinks this free stuff with advertising thing has gone too far.
This Salon article confirms what I think most of us that subscribe to Fast Company, Business 2.0, and The Industry Standard already knew: the magazines are getting too big. It also mentions Time’s new entry into this content area: eCompany Now. Based on what it says on their site, that magazine will be availabel in May.
Work on the site continues. I’m struggling with some of the sub-page layouts, so don’t hold your breath.
An exciting day. Too bad I can’t talk about what happened here yet.
I apologize profusely for the lack of a working site beyond this page. I had expected to have time to finish all the sub pages last night, but something has come up that is huge and so important that it superceeds everything else in my life for the next 24 hours. Perhaps tomorrow night.
It’s going to be a really light day for posts. I’ve got tons of meetings and several things that need to get finished and practiced.
You knew it was going to happen sooner or later: Wetlog’s SXSW album.
ROTORtype has some fantastic fonts for Web use. For free that is.(via kaliber10000)
Apparently, redesigns are rampant again. iBoy has redesigned, Keith Brown has redesigned. Is is something in the air?
For the record, and since it’s been the number one source of feedback, there will be a duck up here at some point. Until then see Ben Brown and Weblog Wannabe for your duck needs.
The reviews are starting to come in. riothero says, “Bump’s new design is less bumpy.” (What does that mean?) Heather says, “Ooooo la la. Bump rocks!” Thanks to both of you.
Brad and Derek have both posted their SXSW photos and memoirs. Brad’s had me laughing out loud.