Bump Dot Net For the People


I’m going to the Atlanta Thrashers game tonight. It’s my first hockey game of the season. I always seem to have trouble getting excited about hockey and basketball until after football season has ended.(Thanks for the tickets David.)


The Downfall of Internet Consultants takes a look at what went wrong with iXL, Marchfirst and their like. I am feeling more and more that Internet consulting, with the current state of things, is not something that can easily be replicated into a large consulting company. All the best shops, who do the best work, are smaller companies or boutique shops. This is, in part, because quality people who are bright and get the Internet are still quite difficult to find.


The Delicate Art of (Web) Design Critique is a great overview of this very touchy subject and how anyone can apply these techniques to grow as a Web designer.


The inevitable scooter bashing has begun on the Web.(via k10k)


Without Willliam Shakespeare, there would be no bump, and therefore no bump.net.


The Street has already been cancelled. Oddly, I liked the show quite a bit, and I’m sure it is better than many of the other new shows that premiered this season. My favorite new show, Boston Public, is still going strong.(I hope) Perhaps they should have tried The Street in a time slot where it wasn’t going up against The West Wing.


This new Nokia is probably the best looking PCS phone I’ve seen so far. Seems like there are new phones every month from these companies now.


You know you’ve been slacking a little too much on your weblog when you get an email from your mother asking why you haven’t been updating:-)


infoSync is another great mobile device site worth checking out. They have great screenshots and coverage of devices that haven’t yet been discussed elsewhere.


After a great Thanksgiving trip to visit family in the NorthEast and a hectic and stressful interim week of work, I’m going down to Florida over the weekend to relax a little. Next week, I’ll be attending XML 2000 in Washington DC giving presentations about our company’s platform.

No Cable


Hell's Half Acre has a great e-card section where you can send e-postcards to people with sentiments like "i hate you", "shut up", and the ever popular "burn in hell."

There's a great assortment of things being posted to Monkey Fist .

In a brief perusal, I found Running Tally to be very very good. It led me to usr/bin/girl which I also enjoyed. Finally, I ended up at Hit or Miss , which rounded out my surfing session perfectly.

We are still without Cable, and have been since last night due to a rare ice storm here in the ATL. Normally, I could care less, but I wanted and planned to watch football today while redoing my Mac from scratch with a new SCSI hard drive I picked up a couple of weeks ago and a new LCD monitor that was too good a deal to resist.

Of course, with the cable out, I resorted to leaving the premises and found myself at the brand new Atlanta ESPN Zone . It was very crowded and impossible to get a seat or food. I imagine it will be like that for the next few weeks. It doesn't officially open until next weekend. I did get to see the Sportscenter anchors in person.


Well, the third anniversary of this site came and went yesterday without a mention due to technical difficulties. Three years my sporadic musings have appeared in this space, and a lot has changed both in my life and on the Web in general. I’d like to thank everyone that has read this site over the last three years.


Bump Products


Bump: The Sneaky Numbers Game


Electoral College Sportswear


Well here we are the day after, and it looks like we won’t know until tomorrow who won Florida and got the electoral votes necessary to win the election. If Bush wins, despite the fact that more Americans voted for Gore, it will be a depressing failure of our system in my opinion. Regardless of your party affiliation or particular viewpoint on this election, I’m of the opinion that, in a representative democracy, the candidate that the majority of the people voted for should win. If this doesn’t happen, the person who won did so through a loophole in our system. This is a horrible situation for our country.


I’m still up watching. It’s very interesting that, at this point anyway, the Nader vote could be the difference in this election if Bush is elected. We’ll see once they finish with Florida, which will determine this thing in the end. The margin there seems to be less than 50,000 votes now with about 10% left to be counted.(Nader had a strong 87,000+)


Exit Poll results posted on Inside.com seem to have things tight, but Gore ahead in a bunch of the key battleground states. It’s going to be a long night folks.


If you are in the United States, please get out and vote. Voter.com seems like a great place online to keep track of things.


Customer service is dead. Three weeks ago, I purchased a Compaq iPaq Pocket PC. Looks great, interesting feature set, and some stellar reviews on the Web. I had it for two days, and I was really enjoying it. Then, things took a turn for the worse. The screen started showing everything backwards. I would have returned it in exchange for a new unit, but CompUSA wasn’t getting any more for at least a month. So I called Compaq, and they seemed great. They sent me a box and I sent it off to be repaired with the promise of the unit being returned in 3-5 days. I waited 5 days, then I called them again. My unit needed a new main board. As it turns out, there are problems with the main boards in a lot of the units, there is a main board problem. The boards are backordered and I’m in line waiting behind other suckers that bought the defective unit.

So, I've spent $500 on something that I had for three days and won't have back for the foreseeable future. I requested a new unit, but they claim they won't have any until after the first of the year. They are, however, shipping units into the channel. They would rather sell units to new customers than take care of people who are already customers, who have already plunked down their hard earned cash. Shame on you Compaq. I am no longer a customer of yours, and I will tell anyone who will listen how awful you are.


Up close and personal with Audrey, 3Com’s new Internet appliance. I was bemused by the fact that they decided to use the USB route for ethernet connectivity.


Nintendo Spaceworld 2000 is where you can find out more about Nintendo’s Gamecube and Gameboy Advanced. You gotta check out the new Gameboy, which goes on sale in Japan in March 2001, and will play all legacy Gameboy games.


Had a great time today climbing at Atlanta Rocks Intown. It looks like rock climbing will be my new thing.(I’m not a newbie, but haven’t been on a wall in about ten years.)


As a result of watching the movie below, I’m listening to Three Ep’s by the Beta band this morning. It’s a great piece of music.


I finally saw High Fidelity last night, I’ve been saving the DVD for a weekend night when I felt like staying in by myself and relaxing. A few months ago, I don’t think I would have enjoyed it quite as much as I did. If you like Mr. Cusak’s previous efforts in Say Anything and Grosse Pointe Blank, you will love this movie. If you have ever worked in a record store, you will also love this movie. It’s an accurate portrayal of working at an independently owned store.(I worked in one for about a year.)