I did manage to get into the Red Sox/Yankees game last night, and got to see Roger Clemens, and my Yankees, beat Boston handily. Here’s the ESPN recap of the game, which features a picture of the results of the scariest moment of the night, when Boston pitcher Bryce Florie was drilled in the face by a comebacker line drive. The entire stadium went from loud and crazy to silent in that moment. The Yanks beat them again today.
There were many more Yankee hats and shirts in Boston than vice versa.(I saw the two teams play in the Bronx in May.) It seemed a lot safer for those people than the people I saw in New York with Red Sox hats etc... The game was a great time.
I’m still in Boston, and will be returning to Atlanta tomorrow. The XML World show was pretty good, despite my getting sick on the second day and being kind of laid up for 24 hours as a result. There is so much happening with XML so rapidly right now that I don’t think anyone can easily have a handle on everything. I was a little dissapointed to find that some of the major players weren’t at this show, but IBM and some of the other big players that were here didn’t dissapoint. The one SOAP session today was canceled at the last moment, which was a huge dissapointment. Tonight, I’m going to make my second trip to Fenway Park this week to try and see the Yankees, with the Rocket on the mound, play the Red Sox.
Here’s a review of Compaq’s iPAQ PocketPC found via Scripting News. Could it be that this is the end of my love affair with the Palm OS? Probably not, as there is no Mac support for the iPaq. I don’t like lock in.
I should have pointed to this excellent article when I originally read it, but somehow it slipped my mind. Check out Style vs. Design by Grandmaster Zeldman.
From the new set of articles up on WebReview XML Tutorial 3: XSL Transformations. THey also have a really good overview of Cold Fusion for people who want to learn more about it, and where it stands in relation to other middleware technologies.
Now some XSLT pointers and dialogue. I’ve got really mixed feelings about XSLT, and I’m going to be using it every day for the foreseeable future. It has some great stuff in it, but I feel like it is somewhat incomplete, and that it could have been taken a couple of steps further and made far more useful. The best general resource I’ve found so far is XSLT.com. Their “What is XSLT?" page is an excellent overview of what it is and what it is used for. The updated Chapter 14 from The XML Bible has a good overview section as well. Basically, XSLT provides the tools to transform XML documents from one format to another.
I’ve been through a lot of changes in the past six months, and spending a lot of time by myself on this trip has made me realize many of them that I somehow hadn’t noticed before. Spending time by yourself can be good. I think the biggest change in me is that I appreciate everything in my life much more than I did a few months ago when I was on autopilot. Not to give the impression that everything is rosy in Robertland. Far from it. I’m dealing with very difficult emotions every day, but I appreciate the opportunity to deal with them and make progress.
I’m now very tired of traveling. I’ve had lost luggage, and am now in my third city on this trip.(I leave for my fourth tomorrow morning.) Here’s a great article on TIVO that I ripped off from Ev.
I’m in San Diego now, well actually Rancho Bernardo which is North of San Diego. I’m taking a training class in some new software that my company is using that implements content management and an application framework using XML, XSL, And XSLT. It’s a pretty interesting set of technology. Tonight I begin my travels again, heading North to San Francisco to prepare for a few days of development work at our corporate office. I’ll definitely get into some XSLT stuff in the next few days.
This has got to be a joke right? A 1200 Mhz Mac? Would Apple even allow this to happen? The case design is much cooler looking than Apple’s cube. It can’t be real, can it?
People who were reading a couple of months ago will remember my rant about IKEA’a lack of a Web store. Well, it looks like things are about to change. The article implies that this new store will only serve Sweden, so I still might be waiting until they finish their Atlanta location. (via the excellent Stuffed Dog.)