missing pieces over at {fray} has some amazing first hand accounts by New Yorkers posted.
Sharon puts Arab support for US at risk. WHAT is the deal with this? Israel has been acting in a manner which I do not think our government finds helpful this week. If they aren’t going to be outright helpful, by taking part in talks, they should, right now, be chilling out and letting us pursue this situation. Do we have so little influence with them?
Filling the Void. I like the idea of this, and I’d even advocate it as a permanent replacement. I’m going to start posting on non-WTC related topics again to day. Not that I have forgotten, not that it’s crept away from the front of my consciousness, but that it’s getting unhealthy in my head. As it should be, it’s virtually all I have thought about and dreamed about for the last week. I find myself at the end of this week resolved. First resolved to help in any way I can to heal the damage done to our country, to New York and to Washington, to the families and friends that lost people, and to our financial straits. Second resolved to work towards a solution to the problem of terrorism on this planet. We can clearly no longer treat our involvement with the rest of the nations and peoples on this planet as a trivial matter that will not have a direct effect on us each personally. Nor should we turn the other cheek in this matter, but use a combination of all the means at our disposal including diplomacy, financial, technology, and, where necessary, devastating violence, to put an end to this threat to the planet.
The only thing I can say to you, the cowardly, weak person that sent me the very disturbing email that we “got what we deserved” from the University of Wisconsin Library is that you should at least have the decency to engage me in conversation in a way in which I can respond to you directly. I feel sorry for you. Not that your opinion about the US and this incident is different than mine, in this country we accept those opinions. That you have no regard for the completely 100% innocent people whose lives were taken and the loved ones of those same people. In turn, more lives will be lost as a result of this incident in other countries. Some of these people will not be innocent, but some will and that is a shame. I doubt you fully understand the situation because your email didn’t show that understanding. I’m sure you are getting what you wanted, a public response to your email, a rise out of me. I, however, have no other way to respond.
I find this FOXNews story to be very inappropriate. I do not think that this is the time or the place for this sort of journalism. Not only that, as a New York State certified environmental asbestos licensee (I worked for two different environmental engineering companies in the early nineties.), I can tell you for a fact that asbestos is most definitely dangerous, and that it should not be used in any form in which it can become friable.
Bin Laden: Child of Privilege Who Champions Holy War. Elsewhere, I’ve seen references to the fact that he was trained in many of the tactics he uses by the CIA. This article, which is sort of a biographical piece, seems to ignore that fact.
Taliban anticipating massive US attack, vows revenge. Well, now this is a new stance from them in this incident. If you are so worried about our attack, why don’t you give us enough access to your country to hunt down the coward that hides there, but sends others to kill innocents in our country? I can only imagine how much this will anger other Americans once it is distributed by the major media outlets.
When I went to bed last night, they were reporting the story below. I guess it did not turn out to be true. I’m surprised that these news organizations are so very comfortable reporting unconfirmed stories then retracting them. People’s lives are involved here. I can only imagine how the loved ones of the missing police officers might feel in this situation. Shame on you ABC.
ABCNEWS.com : 10 Cops Discovered in the Rubble. There’s still hope here.
United States Department of State: Patterns of Global Terrorism (1999 but still a good read.)
Terror groups hide behind Web encryption (USA Today)
The horror and immensity of it all. I find myself struggling with comprehension, and somehow wishing that I could see the Pentagon or Manhattan first hand. Of course, after talking to folks in Manhattan yesterday (everyone I know is ok), there are things to be seen there now that no one should ever have to see. You can donate to the Red Cross Disaster fund here. I wish somehow that there was more I could do, something I could lift or carry, anything. I know that I have to wait, like everyone else that isn’t in these two cities, for our government to figure things out and then take care of these people. My thoughts are with those who have lost someone they were close to today, and will be forever.
If articles like this and this are any indication, this prediction that I made during MacWorld in July is unfortunately proving accurate.
Mathowie talks about shower based brainstorms. I couldn’t agree more. Almost every difficult programming problem that I have solved in the last few years has been solved with an idea that came to me while in the shower.
According to the Dischord News page, there will be a new full length and a mini-cd single from Fugazi released on my birthday.
Cryptonomicon cypher-FAQ . Among the things I learned by reading this document was the fact that he is writing additional novels on cryptology. These will form a series, and “certain family names keep popping up”
If I ever had the time, which it feels like I won’t, and I was going to make the perfect home portal page to start my browsing with, it would be Superbe.