Bump Dot Net For the People


I released the software I’ve been working on to the end users today. I’m now in that pause. You know the one. When something is done, but you really know that something, at least one big thing, will come up that needs to be fixed. At the same time, the next set of tools need to be released shortly, so I better get back to work.


Comet :: ColdFusion & COM


Having a hard time getting started this morning. This is surprising, because I finished the first leg of development yesterday, and all I have to do this morning is clean up presentation and some QA on the code I wrote over the last five days. Should be a fun breezy morning after the last few days I’ve had. Can’t get going though.


Still looking for desktop wallpaper that suits your taste? Looroll Wallpapers


infoSync has the scoop on the new Jornada 560 series. They also have a “screenshot” of the Pocket PC 2002 Operating System. (It looks like Windows XP, and isn’t genuine.) PocketPC Devices continue to roll along.


Lotsofskins.com. It looks like there are err lots of skins here.


codephobia: programming tutorials to cure your fear of code.


There’s not much else on static5 right now, but something about this Flash animation made me say hmmmm.


Boy am I bleary eyed. It’s been a while since I had this much code to create for my employer. It feels quite good to visit this brain encapsulated world again. This weekend, in addition to coding about 45 of the 80 or so scripts I wanted to get done, I spent about four hours cleaning the pool at my new house and trying to get the chemical balance in the water right. It’s going to be very rewarding having a pool, and I mean to include the hard work of maintaining the pool in that. If only I could already be moved into the new house without the hard work of packing and unpacking. Now, time for bed. See you in the morning.


DaveNet : Google upgrades the Web. Apparently, Bump is one of the sites they are indexing regularly. If you do a search on any of my posts from August 16th, August 15th, or August 13th, I come up as the first result. This is excellent progress for tracking news.


Man Macscripter.net is all over Applescript. How do I not know about this site?


Odd that in the first picture on this page they don’t show the very long line that I experience, along with great soft tacos, at least once a week.


I have been downloading wallpaper from dead dreamer. Excellent stuff.


My name is Robert. This is a test post to Blogger from Frontier on Mac OS X.


Better Living Through Software “Computer people are disproportionately INTJ on Meyers-Briggs Personality type, and are disproportionately likely to consider themselves smarter than everyone else. In a company of 40,000 computer people, you don’t have two poles of debate; you have approximately 40,000.” Hehe so true.


So I stopped smoking as of midnight last night. I opted to just go with the Zyban and see how things go rather than add the nicotine patch to the mix. I’m of the opinion that the patch will just make the pain last longer. The flip side of that is that my first couple of days are going to be worse. The Zyban, however, seems to do a decent job of taking the edge off of the craving.


Palm seeks software boost with Be buy. Palm was not one of the suitors I expected for Be at all. On the other hand, this might give Palm the foothold in the appliance market they need to counter Windows CE’s range from set tops to handhelds. I’ve been reading Breaking Windows, and one thing that it impressed upon me is the success of the Windows Everywhere strategy. It’s tough to fight against an opponent that helps it’s developers leverage a wider range of devices. When reading this section of the book, the first thing that popped into my mind was Palm’s eroding market share. In this case, however, it’s not a question of Microsoft leveraging the desktop monopoly. They have actually out innovated Palm and it’s partners in the last year. Palm’s lack of innovation is something I was commenting on last month.


NY Times: Bellinger Helps Clemens Gain 16-1 Record.


The new crystal method cd is a total next level effort, which is saying something considering how good their last effort was. With the purchase of the cd, you also get access to a special area of their site with additional audio, wallpaper, and photos.


The Granddaddy of App Servers Returns


Microsoft MechCommander 2 is really well done. Now if I could just find some cheats for the single player levels, anyone know of any?


Bad start for internet bench Ummm, they forgot to turn the long distance off?


shhh I should add that a server on our network at work, which was not being used for anything at the moment this was discovered, managed to get infected, and it caused more havoc(it was strain 2) than I expected.


Things ended up working out quite smoothly today. I closed in about an hour and a half, and then went over to the house and changed the locks myself, which is quite a bit easier than I thought it would be. In the process, I mastered the art of locking myself out of my new house and was forced to break into it. The closing itself was sort of anticlimatic after all of the hard work it took to get there. Just a lot of paper signing and some joking around, nothing more. What’s up next? Lots of work, and then moving.


Arrrrgh. Last minute complications with homeowners insurance have me scratching my head and crossing my fingers.