Bump Dot Net For the People

Out yet again last night. I really have to stay in tonight because I am just exhausted. Some sushi as per the normal Thursday night routine, and then pool playing with friends of my family who were passing through town on a cross country journey. Today, I’m mostly musing about my current recovery status, and pecking away at work. It’s very hard to judge where I am at in terms of my healing process. I’m very impatient to get through the negative part of this, but I think I understand that it’s not a good thing to rush in order to heal myself properly. I think that I also am sort of struggling with what to share here and what not to share. It definitely helps me sort things out when I write about it here, but I also run the risk of alienating you folks reading and of having the wrong person read this stuff. Then again this is my site, and these are my feelings, which are valid.