Bump Dot Net For the People


The Onion: Judge Orders God To Break Up Into Smaller Deities: “Calling the theological giant’s stranglehold on the religion industry “blatantly anti-competitive,” a U.S. district judge ruled Monday that God is in violation of anti-monopoly laws and ordered Him to be broken up into several less powerful deities.


MacCentral: Apple sued over G3 support in OS X What a lawsuit happy country this has become.


kung fu re-mixer found via web graphics from The Study of Design. Make sure you try using your keyboard to control it.


onfocus.com : snapGallery!snapGallery is a fast, easy way to create a quick web gallery of pictures.(Windows Only.)


Strange thing this afternoon. I’m more of a dog person really than a cat person.(Don’t tell Loofa that please.) Normally dogs love me, and even dogs that are generally unfriendly to other people seem to warm up to me right away. I was walking acrosss a parking lot this afternoon, and this woman was talking to someone and holding her two dogs on leashes. As I walked by, one of them strained to the end of its leash wagging it’s tail. I took this to mean that he/she wanted to say hello, so I took a step closer. The dog immediately took a mouthful of my shirt and began trying to bite me. I was stunned, and the dogs owner also seem stunned. Anyway, the dog put two little teeth holes in my shirt. I’m now doubting that dogs like me.


BBEdit 6.5.2 is released. Lots of bug fixes.


I re-installed Windows XP on my Sony Vaio yesterday. I have say that I’m very impressed with the speed of the new OS so far. I originally did an install right over Windows ME, which was a mistake. A clean install, as painful as that can be, seems to be the way to go with it. At times, especially when Web surfing, it makes my Mac OS X machine, which is comparable in speed and configuration, look sluggish. Having said that, I suspect that this is because Internet Explorer for Mac OS X isn’t the fastest app on the planet.


Man, my mortgage seems to be changing hands once a month right now.


I did a little work last night on a new design, that will probably end up being a theme once it’s complete, over at Radio Bump. I’m also using Sam Devore’s iTunes scripts to pull the song playing at the time of publish. I’m looking forward to building hooks into some of the other Applescript aware apps I use.


NY Times: For Mail, a Palm That Gets It


Mac Net Journal: The state of OS X Web browsers


lOggy! The Inbox Experience! I am way too amused by this. (via Evhead)


Sony to sell Linux kit for Playstation 2 Interesting, but $299? That seems a little steep for Linux and a 40 Gb hard drive to me. I mean that’s how much the Playstation 2 hardware costs. (via Ars Technica)


osOpinion: How I Managed To Can the Spam This a one very clever, non-traditional way to fight spam.


So I’ve been thinking about this site, and what makes me post. I have come to the conclusion that I am a fair weathered blogger. That is that I tend to post more when things in my life are going well than when things aren’t going that well. I’m certain that there are others who post more when things aren’t going well.


Things that go blog in the night.


Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: FAQ: “ What is the golden rule of web design? Get half the money up front. ” Amen brother, AMEN.


Some people insist on teaching people to do things that the rest of us will be really annoyed by. I hate getting html email, let alone html email with multimedia files embedded in it.


Pogo This is available in Britain now. Forget what I said about that cell phone last week, I want one of these.(Until I find something I lust after more.) Now I am really going to do yard work.


Time to do some yard work.


Those of you that have been tuned into this site have probably noticed that I have been publishing with a lot more vigor than normal the last couple of weeks. I originally thought that it was the return on my broadband connection that was making me post more, but I’m thinking along different lines now. I think that my interest in Radio Userland, it’s desktop news aggregator, and RadioExpress have been responsible for my renewed interest in my site. I do not mean this as a universal endorsement of Radio over the other tools available out there, but that it is more Mac oriented than the other blog publishing tools despite being cross platform. It runs on Mac OS X perfectly. It is a platform for futher development if I ever have the time to do it. Finally, I like that my publishing data is right here locally and that I can publish in two places with a single tool.


The New York Times give an excellent review to Harold Bloom’s “How and Why to Read.” I read the first hundred or so pages of this book, realized that I would need to read a whole bunch of additional books from the “canon” of literature to continue, and have begun, based on a list I made from those first hundred pages, reading them all. I found myself wishing that Bloom had given the reader a list of books that he thought they should read or that he mentioned in the book. Having said that, I really enjoyed the first hundred pages of this book, and I look forward to reading the rest eventually.


Slashdot | PowerPC Open Platform Motherboards Finally Here: “Finally, we can buy PowerPC motherboards without dealing with Apple.


I read Harry Turtledove’s The Guns of the South over the weekend. It’s based on the premise that the South actually wins the Civil War due to the intervention of some time traveling folks who give them AK-47’s. I actually liked it, and I think that it was very different in it’s portrayal of folks like Robert E. Lee than I originally expected. I’m ashamed to say that I have stayed away from Mr. Turtledove’s books in the past because I thought that the covers looked hokey, but now I’m going to read some of his other works. So I guess I do judge books by their covers.


So Patriots and The Rams survived yesterday and will be squaring off in the Super Bowl next Sunday. I doubt that the Patriots have much of a chance, so I’ll be in their corner. The Rams are incredible.