What's New in Mac OS X 10.3 Panther
#Dive into OS X: What’s New in Mac OS X 10.3 Panther
Dive into OS X: What’s New in Mac OS X 10.3 Panther
Economist.com: The future of energy: “What then is the best way to speed things up? Unfortunately, not through the approach currently advocated by President George Bush and America’s Congress, which this week has been haggling over a new energy bill. America’s leaders are still concerning themselves almost exclusively with increasing the supply of oil, rather than with curbing the demand for it while increasing the supply of alternatives.”
Elliot Smith killed himself? Damn, checking my iTunes play counter, two of the top five most listened to songs on my laptop are Elliot Smith songs. I was originally turned on to Elliot by Jack Saturn, as far as I remember, when we worked together. He was a masterful song writer, in my opinion, and yet another terrible loss. I’m never going to know you now, but I’m gonna love you anyhow.
My six day absence was caused by a variety of factors, but mainly the fact that I have been way behind with some of my household chores. I spent a good chunk of the weekend cleaning my house up, and yesterday I had to take the day off to wait for the HVAC guy, and in the meantime I shredded two garbage bags full of old paperwork, receipts and credit card statements. It feels good to get rid of the old, and I plan on dropping a carload of stuff off at Salvation Army this weekend. I also managed to read a couple of books.
CENTRAL APPS is a community site devoted to Macromedia Central applications.
A List Apart has redeisgned and relaunched.
In case you are living under a rock, iTunes for Windows. We tried it out in the office this afternoon as soon as it was available for download. Pertty neat stuff. Decent sized download(19+ Mb), I am guessing because it includes Quicktime 6.4. Being able to include our Windows using bretheren in our office music sharing pool will be a huge plus, as it supports the sharing(streaming) of music libraries between platforms. As far as I can tell, the only mistake that Apple seems to have made is screwing people who bought first and second generation iPods. The redesigned iTunes Music Store is also quite nice. I like the addition of audio books, although I doubt I will be using that feature much. I think I will do another write up on the celebrity playlists, but they are an interesting idea that seems very well implemented. Finally, Apple is including a lot more liner note information on the albums available. That was one of the things that bothered me the most about the previous version of the iTunes Music Store.
I’m old, but I am younger than I will be someday.
I’m not certain how the grasshopper got into the house in the first place, but Loofa, my cat, certainly found it to be worthy and amusing opponent for almost an hour before she got tired and I went and caught the thing. I don’t think I have laughed that hard in about two months.
Thanks Matt, this solution is one to a problem I just thought of today.
It’s been a year now. Hard for me to believe.
Wired News: Note to Sony: Skip IPod Knockoff I couldn’t agree more. I don’t think they could enter the hard-drive based MP3 player market with a product that would be that much better than the iPod at a much better price. It would be better for them to concentrate on where the market is obviously going to go rather than fight a losing battle in this round.
TinkerTool 3, which is compatible with Panther, has been released.
I have a confession to make. I still haven’t seen The Matrix Reloaded. I was supposed to go see it on the day it was released with everyone from work, but a server emergency prevented me from going. Since then, I have somehow avoided spoilers, and I am looking forward to seeing it this week when it comes out on DVD. For some reason, I have developed an intense dislike of going to see movies in the theater. It may have something to do with the last year of my life being the first in something like ten years where I was single, and I really haven’t dated all that much. I also would rather spend the money I would spend on going to see a movie in the theater towards a DVD that I can watch over and over if I want to. I’m sure that, for some movies, like The Return of the King, I will make exceptions, and I might even go see Kill Bill this weekend, but for the most part, I’m not going to the movie theater if I don’t have to.
If you are a fan of mash-up mixes, and I know that you are, you owe it to yourself to check out reset. I liked the “solid state” and the “hack to mine” mixes the best. Know of other good mash up mixes or mix sites? Talk about it in the tribe.
I’ve rapidly become addicted to Tribe.net. It’s real similar, at first glance, to Friendster, but they have added a bunch of community features, most notably the tribes, to the mix and it makes all the difference in the world to me. The site is faster and more reliable than Friendster as well. If you join, you are more than welcome to identify yourself to me as a reader of this site and I will add you as a friend in my network. Update: I have also created a tribe for people who read bump.
Wow, lots of handhelds being released this fall.
My thoughts and prayers are with Dan Snyder’s family today. 37.