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moleskinerie: New Moleskine Styles

People who have worked with me in person can tell you that I rarely can be seen in the office without my little black Moleskine. I keep notes on everything in the small black notebooks, and have been for the last two and a half years. At home, I have the four or five spent ones on a bookshelf, and although I rarely refer back to them now, I foresee a time when I will do so fondly. I prefer the ones filled with graph paper, perhaps a throwback to my geekier youth. Today, via moleskinerie, an excellent blog devoted to the notebooks, I learned of two new Moleskine Styles. While I have little use for the Musician’s Moleskine, the Story Board Moleskine is intriguing. The small Story Boards are the perfect size for commenting on Web pages, or mocking them up in a meeting. I’m ordering some now.