- Screencast: Intro to iPhone development with Aptana
- iPhone/BlackBerry/Treo Comparison
- iPhone Works fine without AT&T service as a wifi device. Woah. That's pretty cool.
- Craig Hockenberry: Beyond Sweet Lots of astute observations worth reading here.
- 10 Great Flickr Photos for your Laptop Background I am addicted to the various wallpaper and desktop capture groups.
- Good Gamers Make Great Leaders, Say IBM and Seriosity I've learned more from the 16 months of being a WoW GM than I could even begin to share.
- Should The IPhone Have A Landscape Keyboard Mode? Interesting that this is on a RIM weblog.
- The Business of Software Wiki Wow, this doesn't work in Safari. That's just dumb.
- Firebug for iPhone
- iPhone JavaScript window events