- We went to Tap this weekend. Hamburger with square cheese comes with a little chocolate milkshake. A little expensive, but pretty awesome. Hipsters will be all over that place for the next six months.
- OmniGraffle Wireframe Palette | urlgreyhot Handy stuff.
- test everything You should test stuff. This makes it easier.
- Ollie Kottke Wow. I'm so happy to hear that everything went well. With such amazing parents, I'm sure we can expect bg things from little Ollie someday.
- V-Moda VIBE Duo Pimps Out Your iPhone This is the headset I picked up for my iPhone. I was already using their headphones, and this thing works really well, and sounds excellent. Two bumps up!
- 8 Coolest iPhone Apps at iPhoneDevCamp
- Apple Form Factor Evolution Apple fanboy pron if I ever saw it.
- iPhone Native Looking Skin css and js goodness.
- Getting Photos from Lightroom to the iPhone
- Disguise Your Browser as a Google Bot and Get Free Access to Pay Sites
- Zune Royalties Apparently Enough to Buy Universal Music Group a New Set of Balls These record company people are idiots, and they continue to prove that hypothesis true seemingly every week.
- I posted a lot more pictures from my brother's wedding over in my flickr photostream. It takes a long time to upload 1000 pictures.