Bump Dot Net For the People

Post Tornado Weekend Links

The bump clubhouse was spared this weekend. It’s amazing how much damage the tornado did to downtown Atlanta and the neighborhoods directly East of it. Here’s some Monday surfing links:

  • Weekly Resolution: I am going to try and make a weekly resolution every week from here on out. This week's is to swear less.
  • Video: Internet Commenter Funeral Funny funny stuff.
  • The Pitfalls of Your Constant Complaining and How to Stop It
  • Things updated to 0.9. This has become my todo list manager, and this update added recurring tasks, which I really appreciate.
  • My Favorite new band of the week: Grand Archives
  • Return to Dark Castle Released The original Dark Castle game was one of the first really addictive Macintosh games in the late eighties. I am very tempted to buy this just to relive those dorm room days.
  • Pro Tip: Use Gmail to filter out that unwanted spam from your non-Gmail POP account. I was getting 900+ spam messages a day at my oldest active pop address. It's as easy as going to Settings: Accounts in Gmail and adding your account information under "Get mail from other accounts." So far Gmail's spectaculor spam filter is batting 100% on filtering out the spam.