Bump Dot Net For the People

We bought a new home

It’s been an exciting month. What seemed like a quick casual conversation with my wife turned into house hunting, mortgage shopping, and the eventual purchase of a new home.  As our two boys have gotten older, the existing house was feeling smaller and smaller. The new house is a lot bigger, and is walking distance to the elementary school that my sons will attend.

In the last two weeks, we’ve moved in, and I now find myself wondering how soon we’ll reach a stable state. Our new home is gorgeous, and I can’t wait to get to the point where we feel like we’re unpacked. Right now, most things are still in boxes. I haven’t even unpacked a single box in my home office.

It’s funny how much the first few days after a move feel almost like camping, as you unpack just the most critical items, then less critical ones. It feels like a set of systems that you’re bringing online.

We’ve had a lot of issues, as I guess everyone does in the home buying and moving process. We had three different closing dates as the builder was unable to manage the schedule with inspections to get the CO. We bought a refrigerator to match the appliances our builder had already put in the kitchen, only to discover that it wouldn’t fit upon delivery, requiring some additional custom cabinet work, which he’s now asking us to pay for.  Our washer and dryer do not fit in the laundry room in such a way that the door can be closed. All of these sharp edges will get smoothed out over the next few weeks.

Our address is new, there was no house there before we moved in. This has caused a number of issues ranging from Comcast not even being willing to give us service, to not being able to change our bank accounts and the billing addresses on things because postal lookups were failing.  Comcast thing worked out great because we’re getting Gigabit Fiber from AT&T instead, which is better, faster, and more stable.