Bump Dot Net For the People

One Bite at a Time

My home office is just completely crammed full of, well, stuff.

I work from home, and have a well defined workspace at a large desk, but my office contains three desks at the moment, and I want to turn it into a room that's useful for more.

Step one has to be getting stuff out of this room, so I have begun that task. One desk will go and be replaced by either a reading chair or a two person couch. As they say though, the only way to get this done is like eating an elephant, one bite at a time.

One of the challenging things is that, as I work through, the closet for instance, I discover projects that I should and could do. I keep having to tell myself that "now is not that time" and it seems to be working.

Probably the most challenging thing is trying to figure out homes for the things I don't want but that are perfectly useful. I want less stuff.