Z*TRIP is one of my favorite DJ’s, without a doubt. He is very innovative, and is a solid live performer every time I have seen him. His major label release is due to come out April 26th, but there are three preview tracks up on the Web now. In addition, I learned on his site that he will be playing Coachella. Sweet.
The Evens is Ian MacKaye, from Fugazi and Minor Threat, and Amy Farina. If this review is any indication, I’m going to really enjoy this when it comes out.
Nine Inch Nails tour dates announced. Two Atlanta shows in May. New CD to be released May 3rd. I’m trying to trim my expectations back a bit, they are quite high.
Liz Foreman over at Lost Remote has a post about the noise her television makes when her next door neighbor synchs his Blackberry. This issue is not limited to Blackberries, but seems to happen with any phone that does data. In my case, both my Color Sidekick and my Motorola Razr cause the problem. I go into a conference room for a meeting with my phone in my pocket, and the speakerphone in the room makes the noise, much to everyone’s chagrin. I am at my desk listening to music from my laptop, and it makes the noise. I get in my car, and the speakers make the noise. I’m surprised I haven’t heard more people commenting about this, it’s really annoying. It’s gotten to the point that I no longer bring my phone to meetings because I don’t want to hear the noise anymore.
Rogue Amoeba’s Airfoil lets you stream the output from applications other than iTunes to your Airport Express. Honestly, I don’t know why Apple didn’t just include this in the Airport Express, it makes sense, but it’s nice to finally have a solution for this. I haven’t used it yet, but will be testing it out this evening.
business2blog: Flickr, Yahoo Deal Rumored I don’t know enough about what Yahoo is at this point to say anything about whether this is a good fit. It would seem obvious that Google would be a good fit, but you never know. I just hope that, whomever does end up with Ludicorp, they let Flickr continue to grow and prosper.
I finally got around to seeing Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle last night, renting it for 4 dollars on my Comcast’s in demand service, which I am rapidly becoming addicted to. It’s a funny, witty movie that contains many in jokes if you can look beyond the Cheech and Chong veneer that it is wrapped in, which is juvenile and sophomoric at its worst. It’s one of those movies that crammed a lot of things and subplot lines into a regular sized movie, yet it doesn’t feel rushed or overly crammed. Naturally, it is one of those movies that will appeal more to men than women, and probably men in the demographic age-wise of early thirties down to teens. I went into it with medium sized expectations, one of my co-workers sang it high praises, despite the fact that he doesn’t like most of the comedies that I love, including Seinfeld and Napolean Dynamite, to name two, this one hit the mark squarely. I recommend it as a guilty pleasure movie on a weekend night in, or on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Warning, it may make you crave a White Castle burger, and that may be problematic in many parts of the country.
Still, I can't see purchasing it on DVD, I doubt I will watch it a second time, and I am trying to be more selective about what I do purchase on DVD. I woke up one day and realized that I have bought a lot of movies on DVD that I will never, ever want to watch again. (thus the birth of the box of DVD's to get rid of in the near future.) Things like this make me feel really stupid and wasteful, and so, instead of beating myself up over them, I'm trying not to do them.
I had today off from work, and spent the morning and early afternoon doing constructive things like going to the gym, so I’m a little slow on the uptake and posting about Hunter S. Thompson’s death. He obviously got most of his press for Fear and Loathing, but I liked Hell’s Angels more. In fact, I just re-read that book about a month ago, after over ten years, and it resonated as much as it did the first time I read it. It’s so sad how dark talented people can be.
Readers in urban areas may find I Park Like An Idiot to be a useful resource. I don’t endorse defacing other people’s cars, but some people need tough love.
The Georgia Aquarium, which is currently under construction here in downtown Atlanta is selling Personalized FishScales. They are fish shaped plaques with your message on them. Each is $55, and will appear in an interesting light wall installation. You can see a demo of that here. Definitely a worthwhile cause, and one that bump.net wholeheartedly endorses. I fondly remember going to the Mystic Aquarium as a kid, and we went there perhaps a hundred times over the years we lived in that area. I’d like to see Atlanta’s kids get the same opportunity that I had.
Jason got out of bed and took pictures of the Gates. I wish I was going to be up in New York in the next couple of weeks so I could see the project firsthand. The fact that I am working away on a Saturday probably indicates that I won’t be travelling for fun in the near future. As nice as Jason’s photos are, you owe it to yourself to check out Nachosan’s Gate pictures in his Flickr feed. Truly the best photographs of the Gates I have seen.
This painting, by Kate Groham, my brother's girlfriend, and obviously a talented artist, is part of an exhibition named Heart of New Haven. It depicts her and my brother Paul. I love the expression on Paul's face. Nice work.
Macromedia has a ColdFusion Feature Comparison Matrix that compares features for each version of CF from 5 to the newly released 7. It’s not as handy as a tag/function listing across all the versions would be, but it does show how the platform has progressed over the last few years. By the way, I wouldn’t try and print it, it’s flashpaper, and the memory usage of printing from Flashpaper is likely to crash your machine, or at the very least saturate your network interface for a good ten seconds.
SportsML 1.5 was just released into the wild. I believe that this spec is progressing nicely, but will the major scoring vendors come out and play? I know, from my experience, that people are mostly cooking their own formats for sports scoring xml. I, myself, have authored at least two so far, and have worked with about five others.