Bruce Schneier on Authentication and Expiration when purchasing things online. “The e-commerce site wants me to live in their database forever. They want to market to me, and entice me to come back. They want to sell my information.”
There are a few different methods for managing this. One is to pick a couple of sites, and buy everything from them. This, of course, can end up being a costlier route, as it precludes comparison shopping. Personally, this is one of the reasons I prefer using PayPal for online purchases because it abstracts my sensitive data from the vendor. I can buy things from a hundred vendors using Paypal, and there is still only one copy of my credit card number stored.
Luminous Landscape: Looking at RAW From a Different Perspective. If you own a digital camera that supports RAW format, and don’t know much about RAW, this is a really good resource for you. I have been trying to work out a workflow for RAW shooting that works for me, but I still shoot JPEG a lot of the time because it’s just easier.
Like Matt says, Google maps puts the smack down on virtually every other mapping app out there. Mapquest? Served. Yahoo Maps? Served. I hope they plan on delivering this as a service to partners, because I would jump on that opportunity in a second, assuming the economics work.
Google just keeps coming with the hits, and there seems to be no end in sight. Too bad Blogger sucks, I sometimes can't believe that it's from the same company. It's withered on the vine seemingly forever, while others have innovated and innovated and innovated. In fact, some of the features they added in the last year don't even work properly. I'm guessing that it needs a new product manager, someone with a clue. (I have been using Blogger to update this site since 1999.)
Todd’s SlideShowPro will be available 2/14. I’ve gotten to see this project at various stages, and I have to say that it’s a best of breed application on a variety of fronts. Set up a reminder in your calendaring program now. He’s put a lot of work into making this thing a polished finished product.
ChangeThis: “ChangeThis is creating a new kind of media. A form of media that uses existing tools (like PDFs, blogs and the web) to challenge the way ideas are created and spread.
It’s official as of this afternoon’s booking of hotel rooms that there will be a presence at the 2005 Coachella Valley Music Festival. Of course, tickets go on sale tomorrow, so there is that one smallish detail to be covered. Last year, it was a great experience, and, based on this year’s lineup, I have great expectations for this year’s version. I’m especially looking forward to seeing Weezer, Wilco, Boom Bip, and Jamie Cullum because I have never seen them live before. Notable standouts from last year returning include indie darling Bright Eyes, and Sage Francis, who was my second favorite performance to the innovative and inventive set from Dangermouse. Of course, I am also a longtime fan of Nine Inch Nails, and have seen them several times, including the first Lollapalooza.
I'm not in the habit of asking for things on this site, for a variety of reasons, but at this time I do have a request. If anyone works for a publication and wants a qualified photographer onsite at Coachella, I would be a very cheap, available, option. I have my own professional quality equipment, am already attending, and would love the opportunity to work the show with credentials so that I can get my DSLR into the show. If you are such a person, or know someone who could give me the hookup in return for some high quality shots of various acts, I would be forever in your debt. In fact, I will up the ante beyond that. If you make the connection that gets me credentials, I will buy you an iPod Shuffle 512. This offer is limited to one person, and is on a first come first served basis. Thanks. ( I would be pleased to offer some sample photography, if necessary.) If all else fails, I will just bring along my small Canon SD camera like last year.
If you had a thousand dollars, and could use it to buy either Google or Apple stock today, and were going to hang onto the stock for five years, which would be a better investment? Discuss.
Wired News: Hide Your IPod, Here Comes Bill: “‘These guys are really quite scared,’ said the source of Microsoft’s management. ‘It shows how their backs are against the wall…. Even though it’s Microsoft, no one is interested in what we have to offer, even our own employees.'” It’s worth mentioning at this point that this level of success usually ends with the company enjoying it making critical errors of pride and eventually getting eaten by the marketplace. See Palm in the PDA market as an example of this. We can hope that this doesn’t end up being the case with Apple, considering their previous errors of pride and what it has cost them.
It’s raining, and the forcast for this afternoon is for more rain. The forecast for tonight, rain. The forecast for tomorrow, rain. Good thing I brought my umbrella.
It’s unlike me to gush over a video game. I have always been a very enthusiastic player of video games, even when I was a kid, despite the fact that our home was console-less for my entire youth. I have to say, though, that I have never come across anything like World of Warcraft. The game itself is incredibly large, and they have done a fantastic job visually. They have also assembled the game in a manner that engenders all sorts of community. I admit that I haven’t played similar games in the past, and so I may not have the full perspective necessary to rate this game effectively, but I can say that it is a joy to play. Building it must have been a massive task.
I’m really enjoying the new Matt Pond PA EP, Winter Songs. I feel like this band gets way less attention than they deserve. There’s a link to purchase the CD with Paypal on that page, and I only link to that because their Flash driven site makes it very hard for me to bookmark meaningful content. In addition, the new EP is not on the iTunes music store yet, but most of their catalog is there. With each new project, it feels like this band matures in a good way.
Somehow, I missed the fact that Bright Eyes are playing at the Variety Playhouse here in Atlanta tomorrow night. Unfortunately, the normal ticket agency that is my usual backup plan won’t work for this one, they don’t do Variety Playhouse shows. So, I’m asking here on the off chance that someone knows someone who has an extra ticket, or an in to get me in the door. It’s a long shot, I know, but worth a try. I guess I could always go stand in the cold and hope that I find one at the venue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I know I’m a little late to the party, but I finally watched Garden State yesterday. It’s a little amusing to me that I hadn’t seen it yet considering how many times I have listened to the soundtrack over the last six months. Being so familiar with the soundtrack, and then experiencing the music in the context of the film, was an interesting experiment in expectations. For the most part, whomever choose the music for the film seemed to have a very personal relationship with the music they chose, and it matched the movie very well. As far as the film goes, it wouldn’t be going too far to say that this film is my favorite one that came out in 2004, with the caveat that I haven’t seen too many films. As a total work, I really feel like this movie didn’t fall short anywhere. The writing was fantastic, the visual feel of the movie was enormous, and the characters were well conceived. The use of wide lenses added a depth to the movie visually that made me want to print each frame out and hang it on a wall somewhere. I think this movie could have been set in any suburban sprawlish area, and I think most people in their twenties and thirties can relate to both the characters and the bogger theme of sorting things out in the transition to the “real world.”
This sets my expectations for Zach Braff's future works at an almost unreasonable level, and I am probably going to have to try and keep that in check when he comes out with future work. I've been a big fan of Scrubs for a while, since my good friend Steve pestered me into watching it. It's the one half hour sitcom that leaves me wanting more at the end of the half hour. On the other hand, Garden State propels my respect for Mr. Braff to levels usually reserved for the Jeff Buckley's of the world.
U.S. Budget Deficit on Track to be the largest in history. Cut taxes, raise spending, cut taxes, raise spending, cut taxes, raise spending, cut taxes, raise spending. Whether folks believe it or not, we do have to pay that money back. The interest on that debt will need to be serviced. I don’t understand how this fundamentally conservative value of fiscal responsibility is being ignored. I am frightened for the financial future of our nation when I think about this and the trade imbalance.