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My boy Nate Dom-in-Nates


Nathan kicked some serious ass in the most recent Veer Lightboxing fight.

How to Say "Thank you!"


How to Say “Thank you!"

Nader to Liberals: Fuck You


Nader to Liberals: Fuck You. Yawn. I don’t think that old Ralphy boy will have much of an impact this time around. Personally, I don’t think of him as a leader or having leadership level character, so I could never vote for him. Last time, I think a lot of folks more liberal than myself were voting for him because they were either attempting to make some sort of statement to the Democratic party or they liked the bandwagon(they wouldn’t admit though). Doubt those folks will be doing either this time.

ESPN.com - MLB - Extra ticket sales help A-Rod pay for himself


Woah, A-Rod already paid for his salary in ticket sales increases.

Grey Tuesday


Grey Tuesday. A “Free the Grey Album” protest organized by Downhill Battle. See my earlier post on the issues for my opinion on this matter.

Finally, Pepsi contest Pepsi bottles appear


After looking somewhat seriously for a couple of weeks now, I discovered iTunes contest Pepsi bottles at a pharmacy near my house, and in one of the places in the food court where I work. So far, I have won two out of four times. The tough part is actually picking songs. So many to choose from, and only one free one. I think this promotion is going to work out well for all involved. With my first free song, I chose You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine by Lou Rawls.(iTMS link) I wanted to pick something that I wouldn’t normally buy for myself.

SXSW vs. the 2004 Coachella Valley Music Festival


I spent some time yesterday compiling my requested time off for the next six months. Once our busy season starts(mid-June), it’s virtually impossible to get any time off. I had a family vacation already planned for March, so it became unlikely that I could go to SXSW this year. Instead, I’ve decided to visit a good friend who recently moved to San Diego and, at the same time, attend the 2004 Coachella Valley Music Festival. The artists performing at this festival read like a listing of my iTunes library. I figured that it would actually be cheaper to attend this festival than to attempt to see all of the acts I would want to see elsewhere. Also, a chance to see the Pixies again is hard to turn down, they were one of my favorite bands for a very long time. If you’ve ever been and have tips on attending, I’d love to hear them, and I will post them here. Thanks.

Don't shake it, shake it


Polaroid warns buyers not to ‘Shake It’ Oh my god.

A-Rod to the Bronx


So, take that you Red Sox fans. Yep, that’s right, we got A-Rod. Remember? The guy you wanted to get so much that you were willing to get rid of No-mar and Manny? Yeah, him. Take a look at our lineup now. Seriously. The series between the bosox and the yanks this year are going to be off the chain.

Apple - RSS Information


Cool page on Apple’s site with all of their RSS Information. (via Scripting News)

Happy Valentines Day.


Old Wired T-Shirt


I keep seeing eTech posts about this great old Wired T-shirt. I have one, and have worn it to the point of it falling apart. For a few years, it was my favorite t-shirt, bought during Wired’s heyday. I wish there was some way to repair or replace it.

13 Reasons To Use Firefox Over IE


13 Reasons To Use Firefox Over IE I switched, a couple of days ago after Firefox was released, my default browser to Firefox from Safari on my Mac OS X laptop. For the most part, I like Firefox better right now. The most striking of these to me are command-up arrow and command-down arrow. The biggest advantage, in my opinion, of Firefox is the extensibility, I love Chris Pederick’s Web Developer toolbar especially, and have played with some of the other extensions that are available.

Atom beta of NetNewsWire


NetNewswire beta with Atom support posted.

Unreal Tournament 2004 Demo


The peecee Unreal Tournament 2004 Demo is available. BOOM!

Maurice Clarett singlehandedly destroys college football


Well, it looks like it is certain now that Maurice Clarett will be in this year’s NFL draft. Quick background for you non-football folks. This guy was a pretty impressive talent his freshman year at Ohio State. Since then, he has gotten into all sorts of trouble, and been kicked off their team. By the NFL’s current rules, he was still too young to enter the draft, but he sued, and won, based on antitrust rules. This is bad for the NFL, and for college football, as it opens the door for more underclassmen to enter the draft. An excellent example of how this could gut college football can currently be found in the college basketball arena. NBA teams now draft players based on potential, even if they are not currently ready to play at the NBA level. The college basketball landscape is virtually devoid of stars now, because players are going to the NBA straight out of high school. The NFL will almost surely suffer the same fate over time. This will be complicated by the small size of the NFL roster and the amount of injuries that occur in a season. NFL teams cannot generally afford to have roster spots being taken up by players not yet ready to play at the NFL level.

In essence, Clarett had nowhere else to go, and no other choice but to sue the NFL, but he has opened up a pandora's box tha the NFL has managed to keep closed for a very long time. I despise the long term effects his actions will have. I hope that no NFL team drafts him, although I know that that will not happen. I will not attend a game in which he plays, nor will I watch one, or even the highlights of one, on TV. I may decide, also, to boycott whichever franchise drafts him. I can't really have my say in this matter in any other way.

Falcons raise prices


The Falcons, who were a very mediocre 5-11 last season, and looked even worse than that record might imply for most of the season, raised ticket prices today. Mr. Blank, if you were going to raise ticket prices, you should have done it last year when spirits were high about the team, and you had good will to spare. You burned through a lot of that good will last season, and the team looked like crap for the most part, and now you want us to pay more for the product? I’m guessing that this won’t go over well.

Technical Jiggery Pokery: Pinstripe Thunderbird: First Look


Thunderbird is getting a Mac OS X makeover to match Firefox. Hooray!!

Producer Of The Grey Album, Jay-Z/ Beatles Mash-Up, Gets Served


Producer Of The Grey Album, Jay-Z/ Beatles Mash-Up, Gets Served (via the always linkalicious waxy.org)

Web Standards Award for PGA.com team


Hey, our site for the 2003 PGA Championship won a Web Standards Award. That’s cool.

For me to poop on.


I very much enjoyed Heather’s post birth redesign, and her post about pooping.

Boxes and Arrows: Managing the Complexity of Content Management


Boxes and Arrows has a great article on Content Management. I’ll add my comments to this post later, not enought time right now.

Safari 1.2 changes list


David Hyatt has a list of stuff in Safari 1.2 up on his blog type thing today. In the future, I will only be referring to blog type things, and no longer directly to blogs because, after over six years of my own blog type thing, I don’t rightly know what a blog is.

Gibson in Atlanta this Friday.


Just a reminder that William Gibson be in Atlanta on Friday.

Thunderbird Updated


Thunderbird, the Mozilla based stand-alone mail client, has been updated to 0.5.