Bump Dot Net For the People

wha? doesn't exist?


“You’ll be installing a program that doesn’t yet exist." Awesome.

Wi-Fi Networking News: 3rd Wave Hits Atlanta


More free places to get Wifi in the ATL

Google as a coupon aggregator


Here’s a tip that worked for me today, and it is probably pretty obvious, but since it worked so well, I figured I would point it out. When purchasing a piece of software online today, I noticed, on the checkout page, that there was a form field for a coupon code. So, I did a quick Google search on the name of the software company and the word coupon. Voila, a coupon code for a 40 percent discount presented itself in the first result, and it worked, saving me almost thirty dollars. So, when in doubt, if there is a coupon field, search for a coupon.

Electoral College Sportswear & Accessories


Heh, was looking through some of the archives on this site, and I found that you can still purchase Electoral College Shirts, just in time for the new election year.

Take Control of Sharing Files in Panther


Glenn Fleishman has released Take Control of Sharing Files in Panther a $10 ebook that covers quite a lot of ground. I’d love to see more of this type of publishing.

Grey Album/Gray Area


I’ve been grooving on the Grey Album for the last couple of days. (This post from Mathowie reminded me to look for it. I had heard about the project about a month before that, but hadn’t thought to look for it where Matt found it.) The concept is pretty simple, Danger Mouse remixed Jay-Z’s Black Album with only samples from The Beatles White Album. The resulting full cd of music is a phenomenal combination of the two, and I would say that it is greater than the sum of its parts, but I have too much respect for the original works. The more familiar with The White Album you are, the more nuggets of listening goodness there seem to be for you. It really is pretty amazing what Danger Mouse managed to create.

Now, having said that, there is a point I would love to make about this. This work cannot be released through normal music distribution channels. The samples would never be cleared, or the sheer cost of licensing them would make it impossible to released. Danger Mouse has taken two pieces of art, and combined them into a new beautifully crafted piece of art which stands out in it's own right. Increasingly, I have been seeking out these types of musical quiltworks. People like Z-Trip and Reset are creating phenomenal pieces of work that is purely derived from source material they could never get clearance for through legal channels. I am forced to wonder how many of these pieces of art that our current music sampling and copyright laws are costing us. There is a capitalistic governor on artistic creations of this kind. It's truly a shame. It is a stark example of what Mr. Lessig has been railing and fighting against for years, and it makes me realize just how important the ability to create derivative works can be.

Kerry is a Bosox fan


Is it a bad thing that the fact that Kerry is a Red Sox fan makes me not want to vote for him?

Sold Out? No Way.


Since last summer, I have become somewhat addicted to reading Y The Last Man every month. I, for years, collected and read comics, and got away from it over the last few years. I’m not certain what drew me to this particular book, but it is quite good. Unfortunately, when I arrived at the store after work today to pick up this month’s issue, it was sold out. I’m guessing that means I’m not the only one who has noticed how good this particular book is. There hasn’t been a single bad issue yet. Frankly, it would make a fantastic movie as well, so I’m waiting to hear that it will be one.

Heh. I posted the above post, and then went looking on Google for more information about the comic. I found this page, which explains that the book has been optioned by New Line Cinema.

Rookie season hailed, but 'Playmakers' sacked


In the grand tradition of the many quality television shows that I have enjoyed, but were then cancelled after their first season, ESPN has decided not to make a second season of ‘Playmakers’.

Sony Ericsson P900


I want! You can now order the P900.

My visited states. I'm on the bandwagon.


create your own visited states map

Signs of Danger: the Internet archive of funny danger signs or Where are my manners?


Where the hell are my manners? I forgot to point out Scotty’s new thing, Signs of Danger: the Internet archive of funny danger signs. Check it out, take some pics and submit them.

SuicideGirls Live Burlesque Tour comes to Atlanta


I went to see the SuicideGirls Live Burlesque Tour with an old friend and a new friend last night. It was a lot of fun, and they(the girls) seem to be having a genuine good time. Personally, I enjoyed the night quite a bit. I don’t think it was quite what some of the people that went were expecting, but most everyone seemed to really enjoy it. The finale, which included the use of chocolate syrup and whipped cream, was a sight to behold. Hint: If you don’t want syrup and whipped cream all over you, don’t get right up front for the show.

Hack the Planet on Orkut


I definitely agree with Wes’s take on the whole binary nature of friend/not-friend status on social software networks. In fact, this is something that I have heard non-technical users complain about with regards to social software. There are different types of friends, and different levels of access that you are willing to allow people to your junk, whether that junk is professional or personal. I would like to think that someone would go that extra step in mapping these relationships.



sofa is, without a doubt in my mind, the best iTunes add-on that I have seen thus far.



WordPress is “a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.” via xBlog



I’m a friendster, I Tribe.net for fun too, and I recently got LinkedIn, but no one has invited me to orkut yet. (hint hint) :-)

Husky review


My brother’s newest EP, 9, got a nice review over at MELODIC.NET

Globe awards for The Office


Wow, The Office, one of my favorites, won two Golden Globes tonight.

Bitshift Audio


Bitshift Audio is giving away a collection of free loops for Garageband.

iTunes Music Store RSS Generator


iTunes Music Store RSS Generator Hell yeah. Now if they would just catch up to the rest of the ecommerce world with some sort of affiliate program, I would be quite happy.

LiliPod seems liek a good idea


The LiliPod is a watertight case for your iPod. Seems like a good idea. I haven’t found any hands on reviews yet though.

Feedster Top 100


I like the layout and columns of the Feedster Top 100 feeds much better than the Share your OPML Top 100 list. Everything you might want to do with one of those popular feeds is right at your fingertips.

Steven Johnson's new book is shipping


Steven Johnson notes that his new book is shipping. He says, “In many ways, the tone of the book will be familiar to those of you who read Emergence – it’s popular science with a literary gloss.”

Emergence was one of my favorite five books that I read in 2003. It led me to read a few more books, and there are a couple still waiting to be read. So I am very much looking forward to receiving my copy of Mind Wide Open: Your Brain And The Neuroscience Of Everyday Life.

Apple SoundTrack Updater 1.2


Apple SoundTrack Updater 1.2