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O’Reilly Network: ColdFusion MX on Mac OS X, Part 1
Yanks Move Into First for the first time in over two months.
Sean Corfield notes that several folks have gotten Cold Fusion MX running on Mac OS X. I’m looking on the Web for any kind of documentation of this. No luck so far. I think this is a natural fit for a variety of reasons.
I haven’t really been missing the last ten days, just busy and a bit under the weather. I missed Dave online while he was gone. He’s trying hard to quit smoking now. I’ve tried, and I’ve even blogged the attempts. The longest I’ve made it is a year. I’ve since realized that, if I’m going to really quit smoking, I’m not going to be able to drink socially anymore. Not even a beer while watcing the game or a glass of wine at a dinner party. Every time I have tried and failed, it has either been related to stress, or the relapse has come as a result of some drunken night of partying with friends. I’m happy he is back and that everything seems to be okay, and I wish him the best of luck in his attempts at cessation. I don’t think anyone who hasn’t been addicted to cigarettes can really appreciate just how hard it is to quit. Even in my own peer group, I find people leering at me when I mention that I have tried to quit and failed. These folks don’t have the perspective to really be leering, it’s so hard that I would venture that most people wouldn’t be able to do it the first time. I’m trying to get some house stuff done right now, and hoping to get some template work done tonight on the CF Blog site.
I’ve started a new Weblog project, CFMX Blog: A Group Weblog for users of Cold Fusion MX. It’s still very much in the early stages of development, but I am posting news to it starting this afternoon. This weekend, I will be making a real design for the site, and I plan to write a commenting system for it, in Cold Fusion of course.
Megnut: What We’re Doing When We Blog (via Scripting News)
Sony Vaio U1 will be my next handheld. It’s a full featured laptop that comes equipped with 802.11b, but it only weighs 1.8 lbs. Unfortunately, I’ll have to buy it from a firm that imports Japanese laptops, but I’m thinking that it makes more sense to have one of these than a Compaq iPaq.
Everyone here in Atlanta seems to be BE@RBRICK crazy. I have to admit, the little guys are cute, but a little expensive.
Lakers Sweep Nets for Title I know it’s really hip right now to player hate on the Lakers. I’m not quite sure why people in our culture enjoy hating people for their success so much. I’ve been a Lakers fan since I was a little kid, so I’m basking in the glow of this championship era with the assumption that I will probably never see this again. In my opinion, Shaq is a more dominant player than even his Airness was. Next season, he’ll have the chance to make it four straight.
I owe Cam happy site fifth anniversary wishes from yesterday. I’ve been reading Cam’s site for almost all of that five years. He always comes up with compelling content, and is a sweetheart of a guy in person. I can’t believe how fast time goes by. This site will turn five in November.
Good Morning.
Lots of trouble with my normally trouble free blogging setup due to my system problems last week. I should be back on a regular schedule starting now. I did lose some posts unfortunately.
If you do any sort of Web Application development where you interact with form data, you owe it to yourself to check out the qForms Javascript API. It does all sorts of great things with validation and manipulating form fields dynamically, and it makes it easier than handcoding the scripts or cobbling together functions from other places. I haven’t had the time to check and see how it stands up to cross platform and cross browser testing yet because we are developing for a fixed platform/browser combination.
Top XML : XML-ify your stored procedures. Funny, this, I was just thinking about this while I was working this afternoon, and poof, there is an article up on dangerous meta. Perfect timing, I think I can use this tomorrow.
News.com: Viewing secrets are safe with Sonicblue. This is good news. I had started to think that big media could pretty much roll over technology from a legal perspective whenever it chose. I’m definitely going to look into picking up a ReplayTV for my TiVOless Television at some point in the future when the economics permit.
The ColdFusion MX Tag Updater for Cold Fusion Studio 4.x and 5.x has been released.
Here’s a listing of Actionscript Editors
Jeez, seems like everyone is switching over to Mac OS X from Windows these days. All I can say is welcome, it’s nice here.
O’Reilly Network: Flying High with AirPort. I wonder now, as I sit in my living room watching the NBA playoffs and surfing through my blogroll, how I ever lived without the wireless network in my house.
Atlanta Journal Constitution: Pair’s vision enabled avocation to build These women live next door to me, and the house that is featured in the article is across the street from mine. It really has been incredible watching them turn a shack back into a beautiful house.
They have released a new build of Chimera. It’s up to about 40 percent of my browsing now. It’s so much faster than IE that I think it is only a matter of time before I completely switch over.
Three Reasons to Migrate from ColdFusion Studio/HomeSite to Dreamweaver MX. There are a real lot of people in the Cold Fusion community that are nervous about this particular aspect of the transition to MX, and I’m one of them.
Such a great weekend, and computers played only a minor role. I trimmed the hedges today. While it doesn’t make for interesting bloggage, I enjoyed it thoroughly, and the front yard looks much better. This afternoon featured the first multi-user session at my backyard swimming pool. Much chlorine was then washed from my person, and Mexican food was then promptly consumed. To bed now I must go.
This Windows XP Service Pack 1 Preview reveals some interesting details about Microsoft’s plans to comply with the consent degree that is going to come out of their anitrust situation in Windows XP and future operating system releases. It seems, as always, that they are taking advantage of wording in the consent decree to do what they want, even if that flies in the face of the true spirit of the decree. I think this proves, for the umpteenth time, that they really need to be more strictly punished in this situation because it shows that they have little or no intention of actually changing the way they do business even if it has been found to be illegal by a court of law.