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Apple released iPhoto 1.1


Macromedia: Building a Database Query Application with Server-Side ActionScript


Macromedia: Best Practices with CSS in Dreamweaver MX


edgeofmyseat.com: Dreamweaver MX and valid (X)HTML


I think that I am experiencing Macromedia MX overload. Having all this new stuff at once has made me like a kid in a candy store, but now I have the ensuing tummy ache. I take back the majority of what I said in my rant on Friday. Dreamweaver MX appears to make me want to buy it when it is released. I don’t say this lightly, I’ve been a BBEdit addict for the last six years of my life. What they’ve done with it makes it a much closer Mac replacement for Cold Fusion Studio than anything else. I’ve got Cold Fusion MX running on a server here at the Bump clubhouse. By all appearances, I’m impressed and want very much to do real live work with it and the Flash remoting stuff. Anyway, I’m a little bleary eyed right now. Time for some shuteye.


I’ve been having this routing issue on my home network. I couldn’t figure out for the life of me what was causing it, but it was causing annoying problems with certain Internet apps, and also with some file sharing. This afternoon, I was moving my Airport Base Station, and ended up plugging it into a different port on my router. Poof. Problem solved.


A brocolli inherit.

A Birch Icon Toiler

A crib chore oil tin.

Citable Iron choir.


/Open Source Web Design seems to be just what it is named.


CFCzone.org is a site devoted to Cold Fusion Components, which are one of the new features in Cold Fusion MX.


I need a new logo for this site. My design skills really don’t include logo design. I have no experience with it at all. So I’m asking for help. The help could either be the enabling kind where you tell me to check things out, suggest a methodology and tools, and then I go off and do my thing or the help could be in the form of actual design help. Since I’m not exactly rolling in the dough these days, far from it actually but that’s another story altogether, I can’t really offer anything aside from gratitude and credit or possibly some sort of barter. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, mail me. Thanks.


There are some really useful and interesting ColdFusion MX Resources up on Ben Forta’s site. For those unfamiliar with Cold Fusion, Ben Forta is sort of like the Obi Wan Kenobi of the Cold Fusion world.


For the music listener’s in the audience, these iTunes Applescripts do all manner of useful things like provide better handling of your Library and let you set a whole genre to a specific EQ setting. Best of all, they are provided by Apple. Why didn’t they just ship them with the application itself? If you are interested in digging into doing some scripting yourself, there is some great information on this page, (this site also has more downloadable scripts.)


ColorMix Online color mixer.


Getting Started with ColdFusion MX and Flash Remoting


Builder dot com:ColdFusion is scalable (via JD on MX)


Almost as if in response to my rant about their two unreleased products for Mac OS X, Macromedia announced, and released preview versions of Dreamweaver MX and Fireworks MX


Apple released substantially upgraded PowerBooks today. My first generation Titanium, which I supposed was going to last me for at least two years, is now only 13 months old, and I still want one of these newer ones for the increased processor speed, level 3 cache, and increased video memory.


FreeMovie looks interesting, not sure how missed it previously. (PHP)


So what's left with X? I mean I now have every app I need on Mac OS X with the release of Photoshop 7 and the ability to synch my Clie. I got rid of Classic on this machine a few months ago, and now I don't feel like I'm lacking any application that I need to get work done. (Which kind of stinks because I'm out of excuses now.) I'm quite happy with Microsoft Office, OmniOutliner, Photoshop 7, Flash MX, BBEdit, and all the other Mac OS X apps I'm using. Vendors that have still not made it to Mac OS X with apps that I used to use on either a regular or sporadic basis have probably lost me as a customer because I have either found a replacement that I like on X or have learned to do without their application altogether.

Some fine examples of this are Fireworks and Dreamweaver. in my opinion, Macromedia dropped the ball on these in a serious way. The reason I think this is that there are other applications that do similar or the same things that made it there first and the demand for native apps was fierce. I used Fireworks almost every day before I switched to X. I've now learned to use Photoshop for the few things that I didn't know how to use it for previously so I don't need Fireworks at all anymore. I never really used Dreamweaver that much to begin with, but had it been available before, I would have bought it. Considering that Mac database connectivity in UltraDev has always been a second class cousin of its Windows friends(Cold Fusion Studio for instance.) I doubt that there will be a compelling reason to purchase Dreamweaver. I think there was an error in strategy there. Unless Macromedia is going to come to market with some innovative, compelling, must have features, I don't see any reason to upgrade my Mac OS 9 licenses to Mac OS X. That's only one example, but one that I think is pretty obvious. In another, the combination of OmniOutliner and OmniGraffle has replaced Inspiration, which I used to swear by for site mapping and visual documentation of technical solutions. If you don't make it over the hump, you are bound to lose customers. This is going to get more bloody for software vendors in the next few months. I care more about getting work done than I love your applications.

The interface of the operating system still has a few quirks that irk me. More specifically, I find the Finder to be slower than it should be, it has some behaviors that are far from intuitive, and some things that I wish were there that are not. I really am annoyed by the list view's window behavior, which is missing some of the basic features of the classic finder. There are some new features, however, that I now just love. One example of this is the column view.

The bottom line is that I am pretty happy with Mac OS X, which is somewhat surprising to me based on it's age and maturity level.


Oh good golly yes! Missing Sync Preview for Mac OS X. I will finally be able to use my Clie with my Tibook. Update: Some great integration here between the devices and iTunes and iPhoto. Now I wish I had the Clie with the built in camera.


O’Reilly Network: XP on the PowerPC


New OmniOutliner beta


Studio Log: Applescript, BBEdit, PHP, MySQL and Flash MX Working Together as a Development Environment on Mac OS X (via Flash Blog)


It seems like a lot of people took the demise of the Grand Royal Record label to mean that the Beastie Boys broke up. Based on what I’ve been reading and hearing, the two things are not related, and the Beastie Boys are working on a new record.


Musicians iPod Tools