onfocus.com: Google Smackdown (currently requires a Google developer key)
I’m guessing that it’s no big secret that Apple will be releasing new TiBooks with updated video systems. Other rumors I’ve heard are that they will include a SuperDrive and will be slightly thicker than the existing models. For the first time in almost a decade, I no longer feel it necessary to keep up with hardware upgrading the way I used to.
A List Apart: Flash MX: Clarifying the Concept A solid look at the issues with accessibility in Flash and what improvements one may find in Flash MX. There is so much player hating of Flash on this one criteria, which I find amusing because many people, myself included, don’t even do a good job with accessibility using HTML and other standards based technology.
Damn, the newest version of chimera is looking sweet.
No more dooce.com? Poopie.
I think I’m wearing milkbone underwear again.
Wow, binary noise opens up a whole new type of Flash application development for the desktop.
hat trick for my brother (yea David!!)
I went to see Frailty tonight. The best film I’ve seen in 2002 by far.
Photoshop 7.0 Scripting plug-in: “Automate repetitive tasks and key workflows using rich scripting support. Write scripts using JavaScript or AppleScript.” (via mac.scripting.com)
amigodM’s Flash MX Window component is pretty interesting and useful.
If you use or are interested in Flash MX, Colin Moock’s moock.org updates mailing list is a pretty valuable little resource worth checking out.
Macromedia: Which server language should I use?
Osbournes want more money for second season. Can’t say I blame them, MTV has made big cash off the success of the show. Having said that, how good would a second season be? Not very, the magnetic effect of the first season would have some sort of effect on how they acted on camera.
It’s pretty quiet here at the bump clubhouse. With taxes and some computer/server housekeeping, I got caught up in some other things the last few days, and didn’t really feel that I had anything really worth posting. Most of the really interesting stuff, I’m legally bound not to talk about here for the time being. I can say that I’ve been experimenting with a next generation Web application server that is in beta, and it really rocks.
Somehow I missed it, but filming on Ang Lee’s Incredible Hulk Movie has started. You may remember Ang Lee from a little film called Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
FlashToolset 1.1 released (Flash MX ready)
This is interesting stuff.
If you surf over to Radio Bump and then scroll down, you’ll see that I’m checking out the new Google Web Services API via Radio. I’ll change the search terms from time to time to reflect my interests.
O’Reilly Network: Inventing the Future This is a good, look ahead, write up that’s worth reading for anyone interested in technology. Of course, I might be saying that because I mostly agree with the technologies he picked.
I had an interesting moment this morning. At least to me. I couldn’t remember when the last time I rebooted my Ti Powerbook that is running Mac OS X was. I fired up the terminal, typed “uptime” and discovered that my machine hadn’t been rebooted in 12 days. This on the machine I use for email, web browsing, games, and just about everything that doesn’t absolutely require the use of my Sony laptop or my other machine that is still running mac OS 9. This might not seem like that long to some, but to people who are still using Mac OS 9, this would be an eternity to have your machine not crash or have to reboot it after a software install. Progress.
Wicked Intellect: Flash based XML-RPC for Blogger (via JD on MX)
osOpinion: Microsoft To Detail Mac .NET Plans “While development tools for XML (the language used for .NET servers and clients) are scarce on the Macintosh, Browne’s presentation may eliminate the void." I don’t think this is accurate. I believe that there are plenty of XML tools available on the Macintosh. In fact, I’m typing this right now using one of them.
John Dowdell makes some interesting observations about the different attitude in the Cold Fusion and PHP/ASP communities regarding the developments in connecting Flash MX aaplications with back end technologies. I’ll be reading JD on MX from here on out.