Depressed? Got tech blues? That dude looks a real lot like Will Ferrell.
I've always been a fan of the Magic Eightball. I've found it to give very good advice at least 50% of the time. This is an astonishingly higher accuracy rate than most people who give me advice. In that spirit, Magic Eightball Everywhere:
Here's an online magic eightball. It's a Web app. You can also see what other people are asking, although I found that this feature was not for the faint of heart and could be downright depressing. People ask all sorts of sappy questions like; "Does she ever think of me now?" It just breaks my little heart.
More impressive is The Public Eightball. It's an actual Magic Eightball that is hooked to a Lego Mindstorm-based apparatus that shakes the ball for you and displays the result in a Webcam image. Unfortunately, it seems to currently be off kilter, and you can't see the result.
If you don't find either of these to your liking, Yahoo actually has a portal category devoted to just online Magic Eightball Apps. A more thorough listing, with reviews, is here. The same site has a listing of the actual Eightball answers. You can find a scientific dissection of an Eightball here.
If you are running Mac OS X, this dockling will allow you to have a Magic Eightball in your dock.
If you are running Windows, this app will let you have a Magic Eightball in your system tray.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I could not find a standalone Java app or a Linux app that simulates the Magic Eightball. If you know of one, please email me so that I can add it to this post. I'm certain that they are out there somewhere.
This site seems to have the best little history of the Eightball that I could find, but it's not very in-depth.
Wow, this new boards of canada cd I’m listening to is fantastic.
Curious about our President’s connections to the villians at Enron? I know you are. Michael Moore has updated the essay that I previously linked to with links to stories and other Web pages with more details.
“That’ll never be me, that’ll never be me, that’ll never be me."
U.S. Begins Anti-Terror Assistance In Georgia ( Well, that headline got me clicking quick, but don’t worry, it’s not the Georgia I’m in.
The one hundred panel mammoth is up over at waferbaby.
I fired up my Tivo last night before I went to bed, and chose to watch yesterday’s episode of The Screen Savers. Who on my screen should appear, but Ben and Mena from movabletype. Nice to see someone who deserves the recognition get it.
dooce becomes another in the proud line of people who lost their job because of what they posted on their personal site. Messed up.
My brother’s newest song, “Just Another Punk” is up on his page. Check it out, it’s fun! Let us know what you think over at Radio Bump in the comments. (Made with a Mac)
BETA Palm Conduits for Now Up To Date and Now Contact on Mac OS X. Now we’re getting somewhere on this front. Where is my Missing Sync for Mac OS X?
Marathon: Aleph One I had no idea that Bungie released the Marathon source to the community, and I certainly had no idea there was a way to play Marathon on a Mac OS X/Windows/Linux machine at this point. On a similar note, did anyone else notice that the opening scene in the first board of Halo (the best game for the Xbox, and the one that made me actually get an Xbox) is sort of the same one from Marathon 2?
Davezilla makes me laugh, and coffee then comes out of my nose, which makes me remember to visit his site without hot liquids in my hand or mouth.
This watch syncs with your Pocket PC(there is a Palm version too) to let you carry your contacts with you. It reminds me of the George Carlin routine about your house being just a place to keep your stuff, and when you travel, you bring a smaller version of your stuff, and if you then take a day trip somewhere, you need to com up with an even smaller version of your stuff. It’s like that.
The iMac Challenge I’m very confused by this story. Jim Hied is a MacWorld editor, so you would think he knows how much expansion you can do with Firewire ports. You can add virtually anything you might want. However, despite mentioning the ports in the article, he says that the new iMac is “not expandable.” It’s quite expandable.
PhotoDude notes the Atlanta connection that came through for the US bobsled team. I still can’t figure that one out either. It snowed here once this year though, so maybe that’s when they practiced.
Is Weblog Technology Here to Stay or Just Another Fad? Oh my god, a Forrester analyst quoted talking about the future of Weblog technology, well that’s the death knell:-) (via Scripting News)
Ogg Drop for Mac OS X in case you were looking for a Mac OS X Ogg Vorbis converter.
infoSync : Hitachi shows CE .NET PDA PocketPC is moving along at quite a clip now.
Canada: 5 USA: 2 The game was closer than the score would indicate. It’s their game, and man oh man was their team a powerhouse today. Everything was great about this game, the officiating, the level of effort, the team play, and the attitude of the players. I’m happy, after the disaster at the Nagano games, that we walked away with the Silver medal. What do I have to complain about, I’m an Atlanta Thrasher’s fan, and it’s going to be a few years before I’m for a team that has the chance to win a Stanley Cup.
Mathowie: The future of music
Sometimes, simple hints are the best kind: Slash Forward
Bush Proposing to Shift Burden of Toxic Cleanups to Taxpayers Thanks George, I’m sure that industry feels like it gots it’s money’s worth on those contributions now. How can anyone, anyone at all, see this as the just way to go about this? (link via the always informative
This browser speed test on Mac OS X, which is on the Chimera site, shows Chimera to be the speed champion. I can’t remember the last time that brand new beta software was so substantially faster than the established industry players. I was using it for a couple of days on my TiBook, and can say it was much faster at rendering pages than the other Mac OS X browsers, but also is not complete yet. (Oh and they released a new version on Friday too.)