Bump Dot Net For the People


Wired News: PCs Are Incorrect on TV Is Hollywood trying to say that good guys use Macs and bad guys use PC’s? I guess that would make me half good and half bad.


Well, it’s a beautiful day here, and I need to drain the water out of my pool cover. Enjoy your day.


Sosumi is a Mac OS X Aqua replacement.


Joel on Software - The Iceberg Secret, Revealed: “Customers Don’t Know What They Want. Stop Expecting Customers to Know What They Want.


For my non-weblog reading visitors, you might find this site an interesting view into the Olympics. It’s a weblog being updated during the games by someone working them.


Blog This “We surf the Web; these guys snowboard it. Bloggers are the minutemen of the digital revolution.” (via dangerousmeta via Serious Instructional Technology)


Is Apple Planning an iPad Running the Palm OS? Taiwan Tells All . Okay, I am sooo tired of this meme now.


iHam on iRye: “iHam on iRye is a set of three applications used to control iTunes over a LAN or WAN network.


Secure Shell Helper is a Cocoa app for Mac OS X that lets you configure your Secure Shell options. Can you guess what I did tonight?


Stepwise: Building OpenSSH on Mac OS X. I would have had a much harder time doing this without this tutorial.


I watched Olympic Curling tonight for about three hours on CNBC. It’s actually quite like the Italian sport of Bocce, but on ice and with brooms. I enjoyed the chess match like atmosphere as teams plotted their strategies. So I guess I’ll have to make fun of some other Olympic sport now. Maybe pairs figure skating….


O’Reilly Network: Why Use a Command Line Instead of Windows?. I’ve actually been asked this question a lot when proclaiming my enthusiasm for the new Mac OS and it’s command line interface. If you are curious about this particular subject, this article is a well written explanation of the reasoning and usefullness of the Command Line Interface. Not sure how I missed it when it was first posted back in November.


LaunchBar for Mac OS X. I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but if you are using Mac OS X, you must check this utility out. I’ve been using it for the last couple of months, and finally registered it today. It just makes things easy. (I think I initially discovered this software via Have Browser, Will Travel.)


NY Times: The Future of Cellphones Is Here. Sort Of.. The best overview article on 3G wireless that i’ve seen to date.


74th Annual Academy Awards Nominees. Some real good stuff this year, even though it really wasn’t a banner year for great films. I very much would like to see Ben Kingsley win for Sexy Beast. It was an incredible performance.


I guess I’m not getting what the fuss is all about with this CSS versus tables thing. I have three or four tables at my house that work fine. In fact, I’m typing on one of those tables now. Why would I replace them with some CSS thing? Can I put my coffee on it?


Nokia Contact Sender is a great Mac OS X app that lets you send VCards to your Nokia phone. I just saved myself about an hour of typing on the keypad.


PHPGeek :: Home of PHPTriad and more Holy Windows XP Web interface Batman!


Ars Technica: Microsoft .Net Overview “In a remarkable feat of journalistic sleight-of-hand, thousands of column inches in many “reputable” on-line publications have talked at length about .NET whilst remaining largely ignorant of its nature, purpose, and implementation."


I Heart New York: X Icons has Mac OS X Radiohead icons.


Long day here at the Bump Clubhouse. I decided to finally install the Sonnet Technologies ZIF/G4 upgrade card in my Blue and White tower that I am using as my home fileserver/home Apache server. I bought the card open boxed about two months ago, but hadn’t the time or the inclination to install until today. It was such a good deal that I couldn’t pass it up. Well, lo and behold, I took the card out of the box and it isn’t a ZIF G4 at all, but a PCI G3, someone had pulled the ole switcheroo on Microcenter. I took it up there, and they let me return it after all. Even though I bought it in November. Good story of customer service and a big up to Marchand and Jim over at the Marrietta store for taking care of me. So now I have a much faster server. Yay.


Marvel Entertainment - dotComics I had no idea that Marvel had some of their comics online.


AdamIser : Adium Adium is a Mac OS X AIM client written in Cocoa.


This will verify that Radio now lives on a server, not on my local machine. This will allow me to access it from any computer with Internet access.


I’m still looking for work. If you have an opportunity, or know someone who does, I build great Web apps using Cold Fusion, PHP, and all sorts of databases. I have good, Fortune 500 client experience, and can do client interaction as well as development. I’ve been a developer for several years, and have also managed a department of developers. In addition to full time work, I’m interested in either contract or project work. Oh, I’m based in Atlanta so, unless I can telecommute, the job would have to be here. If you know of anything, please email me.