Bump Dot Net For the People


Oh, and not to take anything away from the Russian skaters who did win the medal, but the Canadian skaters who ended up with the Silver got screwed out of the Gold. Everyone who watched the broadcast, and seemingly everyone in the arena but the judges knew it. It’s a shame for the sport of figure skating really. There are people who don’t watch it except for the once every four year Olympic competitions. I, for one, have a hard time with sports where judges determine the outcome to begin with. Referees or umpires are one thing, they can have some effect on the outcome, but when judges have enough leeway to make someone who obviously gave an inferior performance win, I take exception.


Mac OS X Tip: If you use BBEdit 6.5 and Mac OS X, you should check out the Shell Worksheets feature they added in this release. It allows you to execute command line instructions and get results inside a BBEdit document. Very interesting stuff.


AppleSkinz are pretty cool looking. I might need to get a set for my upgraded G3 Tower, assuming they fit.


Radio Services alpha release. I can’t help but think that Mac OS X gets cooler every day. It seems like there are so many nuggets of goodness in the OS to discover that it’s almost overwhelming.


ZDNET: FTC’s working for a spam clampdown Well, I doubt very much that this effort will be successful, but I can hope, can’t I? Over the last few months the amount of spam I’m getting has risen to an almost unbearable level. Even with fine tuned mail filters, some still ends up in my inbox. (link via Camworld)


Las Vegas was very enjoyable. One of the real high points was going to see Blue Man Group. I’m not sure how I haven’t seen them before, but I loved it, and highly recommend it.


Radio UserLand : How to import posts from Blogger and Movable Type Just in case you missed it.


That last post wasn’t meant to be grumpy, and I really don’t mind answering questions. Heading out the door in a few minutes.


Just a quick note about my blogger entry import project. It’s true that I have imported all of my blogger entries and my pre-blogger entries into Radio with Userland’s help, but Userland will be releasing the code and docs for this process once they have cleaned things up, not me. Please wait until they do so because anything you get from me right now won’t be documented well. I imagine that they will be getting it out in the next couple of days. Not that I mind answering emails on the subject, but that I would prefer that everyone get this code with good documentation and support from Userland.


Network Security Updater for Microsoft Office v. X This fixes a denial of service vunerability that was caused by their network licensing checker.


Confessionalism - Fuck You Gallery It’s a sort of takeoff on the mirror project. (via davezilla)


Updates will be sporadic today, as I’m traveling to Las Vegas this afternoon for a weekend of relaxation and fun. I still have to pack and get the house ready for the cat sitter. I, of course, put that off until the last minute. I believe that the hotel where we are staying has high speed Internet access in the rooms, so I should get some updating in this weekend in the mornings. I’m hoping to finish the design here in the next few days, it would already be done if I could natively run my graphics apps in Mac OS X.


My father announced his retirement this afternoon, and called me about it today. I’m glad it was his decision, and is what he wants. He’s a great guy, and it’s pretty lame that I don’t tell him that more often. When I look at myself, I think most of the really good stuff that’s there is due to him in one way or another. I worshipped him as a kid. He may not have known it at the time. As I got older, I found myself time and time again judging myself by standards that were set by him. Here’s wishing you the best in your retirement Dad. You certainly have worked hard as long as I’ve known you:-)


Super Get Info adds new contextual menu plug-in


How to make AIM bots.


O2 xda might be the nicest looking PDA yet.


news.com - Giants forging Web services consortium This might as well be entitled “Giants forging giant press release.”


If you thought yesterday’s link was scary, try this one on for size. 1997 baby, and now it’s right here living in my database. You don’t know how good that makes me feel. I spent most of the day today doing the grunt work necessary to make this happen. This involved turning my pre-Blogger posts from November 1997 to March 2000 into XML files. Once I got there, the work we did this week with Blogger import took over. Now everyone has easy access to all the meaningless drivel I wrote back then in addition to the drivel I’m turning out now. I’m sure that’s just what the Internet needs.


Return of the test post. This time though, may be the last time.




Word of warning, don’t link to stuff at the permalink level on this site for the time being. There will be dust, and it will settle. Linking at the day level is fine, that shouldn’t break.


Wanna see something scary? Check this out. (Thanks Dave and Aaron.)


Browse3D What is this?


MacSlash: Sony vs. Apple For The Digital Hub Title I a lot to say about this. I have, almost exclusively bought Somy home electronic components over the last two years. You can count among that number my Sony Wega XBR Television, my Playstation 2, my portable and console Minidisc players/recorders, my DVD player, and my receiver/amplifier. I also have both Apple and Sony laptops, and a Sony Clie handheld. I think that, if these two companies actually teamed up, they would both benefit. It’s doubtful that would ever happen. I think a more realistic competition comparison here is actually Sony vs. Microsoft. Look beyond the obvious battle for game consoles here, and you will see that Microsoft has plans for the living room that directly compete with Sony.


Test post. Another Test post.